Categories: Basketball Reviews

Basketball Tips 2: Amazing Ball Handling Drills!!!

Dazzling Ball-Handling Drills

You need amazing ball handling drills to get mad ball handling skills!!!

There are so many skills that need to be improved and honed to be a good to great basketball player.  We all know that you need to be able to shoot.  You need to be able to pass.  You need to be able to rebound.  You need to able to play good defense.  You need to have good footwork but right at the top of the list is you need to be able to dribble and handle the ball well.

I personally think that if you were just average at all of the other above key skills if you were a great ball handler YOU CAN PLAY FOR ANYBODY!  You would be able to help your team to get the ball into the positions that it needs.  Also if you can handle the adeptly you can get to any spot on the floor that want to and need to get to.  To do this you need big time ball handling drills.

We are dedicated to help you become adept at all of these skills through the SweetJumper12 blog pages and including today we will help you with your ball handling skills.

You don't need ball handling skills just for show (though that's sweet to able to do).  You need them get where you need to on the court and keep the ball for your team and stop turnovers.

Of course 2 of the best ball handlers in NBA history are Steph Curry and Kyrie Irving

Who's Got The Better Crazy Handle Steph or Kyrie?


Ultimate Ball Handling Drills

In order to gain ultimate ball handling skills you don't need to be supremely talented.  You need good solid drills and you need to have a burning desire to be great and with that a vision of you being great.  Take great drills great insights and put in the work everyday and you will be a great ball handler.  Trust me if you put in the work it will happen for you.

First Here Are Some Basic Insights On Ball Handling In General

  1. Dribble the ball hard. The more time the ball spends in your hand, the more control you have of the ball. The harder you dribble, the quicker it gets back in your hand.
  2. Keep Your Head up at all times. While you are practicing ball handling you must keep your head up.  Focus on something on a wall or something near you.  You need to do this because you need to keep your head up at all times during a basketball game.  That is why you need to get your skill level up so that never have to look down at the ball while you are playing
  3. Use your finger tips to control the ball and never your palms.  Keyword: FINGERTIP CONTROL
  4. Use your imagination. Picture when and how you would use each of the dribbles.
  5. Dribble with a purpose don't dribble if you're not going anywhere. There is too much dribbling for no reason in our game today. I like to teach that the primary purpose for putting the ball on the floor is to get a lay-up. If you don't have an opportunity, don't put it on the floor.
  6. Basketball is a game of length. Work on lengthening the dribble. Work to get your opportunities with 1 dribble. You don't beat defenses with your dribble. You beat people with your feet; you SEPARATE from your defense with the dribble.
  7. Basketball is also a game of angles. Try to move in straight lines. Whenever you make an “East-West” move (something that takes you toward the sideline), re-capture a “North-South” path (direct line to the basket) as quickly as possible.
  8. Don't do things in 2 dribbles that you can do in 1.
  9. Practice outside your comfort zone. Experiment; go faster than you are used to, use your imagination. When working on new skills, don't be concerned with losing the ball. Just pick it up and do it again. If you practice only things that are comfortable, then you will never improve.

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