Categories: Basketball Reviews

Shocking 2021 Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training!!!

What Is Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training?

Vert Shock is an incredibly intense 8 week vertical jump training program created by a former College and Professional basketball player (Adam Folker) and an elite multi-winning  Slam Dunk Champion (Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington).

The program mostly consists of plyometrics, which are jumping exercises that can be done on a gym mat or some grassy area. That is one of the main selling points of the program in that it doesn’t require access to a gym.

What Kind Of Results Can You Expect?

You can expect anywhere from a 9 to 15 inch increase in your vertical jump by the end of your extreme 8 week program.  All results vary of course from person to person depending on genetics, age, effort and how closely you stick to the program.  This is a an extremely intense program and is not for everybody.

Who Should Not Do This Program?

If you have a history of hip, knee or ankle injuries, are overweight/obese or don’t regularly exercise then this program is likely to do more harm than good. Some strength coaches believe you should be capable of back squatting 1.5 times your body-weight before undertaking any advanced plyometrics, and I agree. Of the 30-40 people I’ve interacted with who have done this program, almost HALF have injured themselves enough to either hamper them or require them to stop training altogether.

Although there is no definite age to do the program it is recommended that should be about 40 or younger.  Women also do use this program if they are relatively fit also.

How Is The Program Structured?

Vert Shock’s Pre-Shock Phase is widely available online, and parts of it can be seen below. The full program consists of a PDF in this format, as well as video tutorials on the main site and some other additional tips. In this screenshot you can see 9 jumping exercises (Around the Square, Tuck Jumps, Horizontal Bounds.. etc.). The entire program is only 10 jumping exercises, so while it gives the impression this is just a sample but is a good representation of the full program

The missing exercise is Split Squat Jumps, which appear in the Day 1 session from week 2 onward. Other than that, there are only minor variations in reps and rest made for the six week “Shock Phase” and a larger change in rest periods during the “Post-Shock Phase”.

Top Reasons Why Vert Shock Is The Number 1 Vertical Jump Training Program

1.  Vert Shock Flat Out Works

The only reason you are even interested is because you are curious if Vert Shock works. We can flat out YES Vert Shock works!

After running through the program just once, we gained 10+ inches on our vertical jump. So yes, although the testimonials for Vert Shock might seem overblown, the program works!

2. You Don't Need A Gym!

The second big reason why we love Vert Shock is because Vert Shock does not require a gym! This is great news for younger athletes who don’t have access to a gym.

What this means is that Vert Shock can be done at a park and even at home. It makes it super easy and convenient and now there’s no excuse not to jump higher.

3. Great Format From The Videos To The Audios

Vert Shock has some of the best instructional videos I have seen for an online course with incredible videos and audio. When you buy Vert Shock you are not buying cheap bad quality videos that require you to sit and watch hour long videos just to understand the principles, with Vert Shock they don't give you a brain hernia to understand it right away nor are there tough complicated concepts to learn.
All you have to do is watch the videos and listen to the audios once to learn how to do exercises and then you can get right after it.  Start on your 8 week journey to increasing your jump dramatically.  That's correct just 8 weeks of intense training to accomplish your dream of being a badass skywalker.

4. You Have To Finally Put Up Or Shut Up

Before I finally decided to Vert Shock I spent countless hours looking and trying free jump programs and tried to create my own programs but none of them ever really worked. The reason why was because I had nothing really pushing me.  It was the paying out of my own pocket for something that I really believed in that drove me to the next level.
After I got Vert Shock I took the training seriously and followed the program like they were a cult and did everything I could to make sure I was going to jump higher.  When I bought Vert Shock I saw it as losing money, so if I did not perform and see results it would all be money wasted so I made sure I got my money’s worth. In the end it all paid off and still today see the purchase of Vert Shock as one of the most incredible investments in my life and the same thing can happen for you if you give it a shot.

5. Get Serious About Jumping Higher

If you are truly serious about increasing your vertical you need to give Vert Shock a shot.  If you go for it you can increase your jump from 9-15 inches in 8 weeks.  To me I don't have any idea why you wouldn't go for it.  It is a true no-brainer to be dunking the ball on folks heads and greatly improving your basketball game and yes taking your game to the next level!





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