Jump Training

Vert Shock Undercover…What No One Will Tell You!!!

Vert Shock Undercover…A Full Vert Shock Review

Athletes are getting better, faster and stronger as the years go. What was once thought of as nearly impossible in the NBA 30 years ago is now seen in some Collegiate games and at times even some High School games and young basketball players are becoming more and more physically talented.  30 inch vertical jumps are no longer considered awesome as many players can easily jump over 35 inches today. Yet still  there are many young players that struggle jump at a competitive level. That is one reason for so many jump training programs out there which promise to increase your vertical leap.

Vert Shock is one of those programs and we will give you a full review.  Does Vert Shock really work? How long-lasting are the effects?  Will anybody be able to go through the program?  Let's find out.

Just What Is Vert Shock And Why Do You Need It?

Vert Shock is a vertical jump training system which is relatively new to the Internet and it's main promise is to increase your vertical by at least 10 and in many cases 15 inches or more in just two months. That, for most people seems ridiculous and quite frankly impossible at first but it didn’t seem impossible to the two creators Adam Folker and Justin Darlington. We will take a deeper look into them, who they are and what they do but for now let’s continue with a review of their product

The approach this program takes is a little unorthodox and uses a very high-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.

We don’t normally believe those online program courses to be true but anything that involves playing basketball at a higher level is always welcomed so we decided to take a hard look at it.

The other sweet benefit of this product is that if you aren’t satisfied with the results you can always ask for your money back…

Who are Adam Folker And Justin Darlington?

Adam Folker is the creator of this program. He grew up playing basketball and by the time he was in high school he was already one of the best players in his native country (Canada).  After he finished High School Adam went on to play Collegiate basketball at Division-1 NCAA for The University California Irvine.  He then went on to play professionally overseas

On the main page of the product you will see a confession of his that when he started playing basketball, unlike the other players he could barely get to the rim and had nothing special in him in terms of athletic and jumping capabilities. Still he ended up playing NCAA basketball and training and playing with NBA players, so our thoughts were that whatever he has to say in terms of training might be valuable for any player.  He also went on to create this great jump training product Vert Shock.

The next person who helped in developing this program is Justin Darlington. You may have heard of him under the name of Jus Fly.  Justin Jus Fly Darlington has been one of, if not the best dunkers in the world over the last past several years. His vertical is an astonishing 53 inches and he has used it win some of the most prestiguous and biggest dunk contests in the world including a Nike contest alongside Lebron James  and Anthony Davis along with The GOAT of Women's basketball Diana Tarasi.

Justin is so good that he actually professionally trains several NBA players in how to increase their jumping ability. Coming from a person that does this for a living, you can bet that he has developed some of the best jumping tactics and techniques. With their product, all of that knowledge and methods are directly at your disposal.

How Does The Vert Shock Program Work?

Vert Shock works by getting you through different stages called Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. These programs use high-impact methods which target the nervous system more than the muscles. The main target are the nerves in your legs. The plyometrics it uses are meant to focus your type-2 muscle fibers which are also known as fast-twitch fibers. The main goal is simple – make your muscles as fast as possible in order to generate as much force as they can in as little time as possible. That will propel you into the air higher than type 1 fibers can.

Now, let’s take a look at the stages involved with the main part of Vert Shock:

The Three Stages

As we already mentioned, the length of this course is 8 weeks. Those eight weeks are broken down into three different phases or stages called:

  • Pre-Shock
  • Shock
  • Post-Shock

The Pre-Shock Stage

Stage One, or also known as the “Pre-Shock” stage happens during the first of these eight weeks. It is designed to prepare your body of what lies ahead. There are tons of plyometric exercises in this stage that will be repeated again and again in the next 7 weeks. Going through most reviews, we saw that during just this stage, people have gained at least a few inches of vertical jump. We didn’t see any significant result but one member of our team said he got 4 inches measured in his track book which was incredible already.

This first week might seem like the hardest to you but going through it properly ensures a successful run until the end of the program. It isn’t the most intensive but since these workouts will be new to your body, you would find them extremely difficult at first.

The Shock Stage

This stage is where the actual exercises begin and is the biggest part of this eight weeks course. It is super intense and very crucial to the effect you will get from Vert Shock. If you have gotten through the first stage, at this point you will be used to feeling tired and your legs hurting. The good thing is that your body will start adjusting during this stage and you will find yourself craving for more of these workouts pretty soon, trust us.

The main goal of this stage is for your fast twitch muscles to learn to explode through various plyometric and strengthening exercises. As soon as they start generating a lot of concentrated power, your legs will be able to propel you way easier into the air. By the end of this stage you should have around 10 inches of vertical (our guy had 13). Less than that will mean that you skipped classes, while more than that will mean that you are a natural at jumping and your muscle fibers are tuned to such kind of exercises genetically.

The Post-Shock Stage

This is the stage that lets your body rest and allows your muscles to recover. Everything here is geared towards activating the muscle memory you obtained during the past 2 months. Every hour of work you put into this now your body has to instantly recognize when repeated and react in the way you want it to. This stage is one week long and it’s main goal is to test your vertical and make sure it’s height is consistent in 100 out of 100 jumps.

You will start feeling lighter and even excited from the fact that your legs can take you to new heights now. There are only 4 workouts in this week with a sum of 2 hours in total. The elastic fibers in your thighs will feel as if you’ve lost 20 pounds of weight in those two months.


Other Advantages Of This Program

The few things that are really special about these 8 weeks of your life is that you won’t have to go to a gym or have to lift anything. This program does not require any additional gear or gym trips which makes it truly remarkable for people who cannot afford those things or simply want to work with their own body weight due to joint issues or something else.

As we pointed out, everything here is based on plyometrics meaning that every exercise is fast and repeated stretching of your muscles specially designed to increase their strength and reaction time. It also improves the connections (synapse) between your nerve cells and the muscle cells. That allows for faster signal traveling and stronger signal potency leading to a stronger contraction of the muscle cell.

In other words this program doesn’t add much strength to your body but rather decreases the strength handicap of your body allowing it to utilize its resources better. All in all, for all those people who don’t have gym access or don’t want to lift weights, this is the perfect program. Our team member did all the exercises in a gym environment but that isn’t necessary.

There is a separate “Complex training routines” program that consists of weight-lifting exercises which focus your quadriceps and posterior muscles (glutes, calves, hamstrings, etc.). It increases strength contrary to Vert Shock that just focuses it in the right direction.

With this routing every muscle fiber that you add up to your muscles will be pure explosiveness and they are also not for everyone in terms of intensity. They are combined with a bit of plyometrics but the sets of exercises here are definitely going to make some people give up.

If you have a gym membership, make sure you include those exercises but also try including more protein to your diet as well as something for your recovery since you will be adding a lot of stress during the Shock stage combined with these weight-lifting exercises.

What Do You Get With The Vert Shock System?

With this program you will get access to a ton of products but the most important ones are the Stage 1,2, and 3 guides. Apart from them, you will be getting:

  • The 4 Vertical Jump Killers eBook. This book will explain which are the four things people do wrong when trying to raise the bar for their vertical jump.
  • The 5 Dirty Secrets To Jumping Higher Guide. This is the part where you get to know Justin’s dirty little tricks to jumping higher. He lays them out in a well-spoken manner and shows you what it takes to be a world-class jumper.
  • Jumper’s Diet checklist. This isn’t exactly a diet but it shows you which foods will work the best with your new regimen.
  • An App for weekly check-ins. This is a newsletter of sorts which helps you get used to the exercises better by giving you further tips and tricks.
  • The NBA jump secrets revealed guide
  • The “Power Leak Fix” For overnight Hops
  • Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed
  • The Slingshot Secret To Instantly Jumping Higher
  • Vert Shock Maintenance Program
  • Dunk Now workout
  • Vert Tracker Workbook

All these DVDs, apps, books, and other programs are included now in the package you will be getting, which we think is hands down the best deal in the whole internet right now. The amount of knowledge poured into making these videos and tutorials is insane and getting them for free is the best thing that can happen to your vertical jump and basketball capabilities.

Does Vert Shock Really Work?

Just like with any other program on the internet, vert Shock is surrounded with a lot of uncertainty. This is because you won’t be supervised while training and nobody knows whether you will follow the instructions laid out for you exactly as they are. Most people slack when it comes to exercises and then complain that there is no visible effect. For that reason, we cannot guarantee this will work for everyone.

For the people willing to put up the work, though, Vert Shock will greatly reward them by making their upright jump a lot higher. People who never touched the rim start touching it and even going beyond it. People who never dunked are starting to do dunks all the time. Our team member which we basically used as a guinea pig showed us he got a 11 inch result right after the program which went down to 9 in the long run which isn’t the great 15 inches Vert Shock promises but then again he obviously stopped keeping his muscles in shape after the program ended.

This is why this product includes tutorials on teaching you how to develop a training culture and habits that will not only keep you healthier but will maintain the achieved results for a longer period of time. It just is crucial to remember that you simply cannot slack off during this course. The more you do it, the worse results you will get and as with any high-intensity workout you can injure yourself if you do not stretch properly before and after. Having a bad diet while putting your body through this can also affect your progress negatively.

All these negatives are explained in the bonus DVD you are getting called “The 4 vertical jump killers”. This, as well as many other tutorials and tips come for free when you get the whole Vert Shock Package.

Click Here For Some Personal Testimonials…

Real People. Real Results.

All Testimonials Are 100% Genuine and have been screen-grabbed directly from emails and social media posts.


Conclusions On The Vert Shock Program

Vert Shock is a great online program that claims to improve your vertical jump with anywhere from 10 to 15 inches. It is dealing with high-intensity plyometric exercises which rewire your nervous and muscle systems in your legs making them more reactive and more explosive. Whether it works or not depends on how much work you will put into it. We made a team member of ours who plays basketball regularly go through the whole course and he first gained 11 inches and then dropped to 9 as a permanent effect. This, combined with many more positive testimonials is a reason enough for us to trust it but then again this is an online course and nobody can supervise you during it, meaning people can slack and skip vital parts. At the end those who didn’t endure or didn’t have the necessary motivation will have worse results but that will be a progress as well.

The program comes with tons of extra DVD, tutorials, and items you will be getting that are all free of charge currently on the Vert Shock website. Jus Fly has awesome videos on there in which he teaches you some of the dirty tricks to better jumps. Seriously, there is no better thing than getting advice from one of the world’s best dunkers right now.

Overall, the program is hard to go through and requires a decent amount of motivation, energy and will. For those who endure there will be a great reward. For those who don’t or simply don’t see a point in continuing with it, there is a 60 days money back guarantee. As a whole, we rate this program four and a half out of five stars since it isn’t meant for all basketball players but only the ones that are physically capable of going through it all.




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