Jump Training

Absolutely Outrageous 48 Inch Vertical Jump!!!

You Need A 40 Inch Vertical Jump

You know you need a 40 inch vertical jump at the minimum to compete with a lot of todays basketball players.  You've seen the ballers on television and you've seen the guys at the Local school games, heck you've seen and played against the players at the playground.  You have game but you need a little more vertical jump.  How are you gonna get it…I'll tell you how!!!

Vert Shock Jump Training

You've heard of Vert Shock before but how do you get it.  I can get you Vert Shock Free Pdf or the paid version at a big time discount!!!  I will show you how to get both of these options a little later in the article.  If you want to be a straight up bad ass baller you need to get your leaps up….Get Vert Shock Now!!!

What Is This Vert Shock Nonsense Anyway?

Vert shock is the #1 vertical jump workout program that is available to you today.

Can you get Vert Shock Free?  You can get a starter Vert Shock pdf by clicking HERE

Vert Shock is a training system designed to dynamically increase your vertical jump.

Who Is Behind This Vert Shock Phenomenom!!!

Before we start this Vert Shock review, let me explain what Vert Shock is and who put the incredible program together.

The Vert Shock program is created by Adam Folker, former Division 1 basketball player at UC Irvine and Professional player overseas and Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, a RIDICULOUS dunker with an absolutely insane 53’’ vertical.  That's 8 more inches than the GOAT Michael Jordan

What Are The Testimonies Of People That Have Used It?

There are a ton of testimonials that show the positive results that users of the Vert Shock program have achieved.  While I’m always a bit weary of testimonials in general, I think you’ll see that most if not all of these testimonials for Vert Shock are authentic.  Click below and see their stories.

click here for dozens of Testimonials

This Is How Vert Shock Works

The Vert Shock Phases

1.Pre Shock Phase

This is the first phase that you will do in the 8-week program. Do not let the name fool you, however, this Pre Shock Phase was not easy at all! You will have 6 workouts in the week and you get one rest day. The pattern here is 3 workouts, then rest, then more 3 workouts. Below are some of the exercises you will be performing. The workouts averaged about 13 sets a day with a range of 4-6 exercises excluding the warm up and cool down (Don’t skip out on warming up and cooling down for knee injury prevention purposes!). It involved a lot more than just jumping, it also makes you work on your core which is often an overlooked component to jumping higher(it’s actually more important than you probably think!)

Notes On The Pre-Shock Phase

Yes it is a vey intense week. The Pre-Shock phase introduces you to a variety of new exercises that are very challenging to your jumping abilities but also your balance, coordination, and core.

The workouts should take not much more than 45 minutes to complete, this excludes the warm up and cool down which make the total workout time no longer than an hour and a half to complete. By the end of the pre-shock phase your body will be shocked right to the core. After this phase you will already begin to feel quicker and more explosive.

It will be challenging and you should listen to your body and maybe give yourself a day or 2 to rest before moving on to the next phase.  It's a tough balance between “no pain no gain” and keeping yourself healthy and not having a set back to your soon to come increased leaping abilities.

2.The Shock Phase

The Shock Phase is 6 weeks long. You will be working out 5-6 days a week, performing 4-6 exercises every day. Again, these exercises will definitely challenge your jumping ability, coordination, balance, strength, and core.

Shock Phase Notes

You could become a little overwhelmed when you first see the amount of days you'll need to commit for the next 6 weeks. In the end it's really not too bad.

It’s important to note that Vert Shock can promise such insane results in such a short amount of time because of the intense nature of the training. At times you might like you are being trained to compete some vertical jump competition. At this point in the phase all you should be focusing on is completing each workout with maximum effort, eating right and resting. If you can do that for this 6-week section of the training you will likely be seeing impressive gains in your jump, strength and explosiveness.

Vert Shock Is Much More Than A Great Jump Program

Vert Shock is such an incredible vertical jump program because of the variety of exercises that are incorporated into it. You’re not jumping sometimes 4-6 days of the week. You’re working out your core, your coordination, power and balance all attributes that every great athlete, basketball player and dunker possess.

You Have To Do The Work

After this phase, we knew that Vert Shock wasn’t a gimmick, it’s the real deal. This training is designed to help most athletes become the explosive beasts that they want to become. We say it can help “most athletes” because not everyone who buys this program will put in the required effort it takes to get the most out of Vert Shock, but those who are willing are the ones who will really benefit from this vertical jump program.
Overall the attention given to detail in this jump program is what makes Vert Shock so intriguing to athletes around the world in the end so successful. It’s easy to see that Adam and Justin created this program not only to help people jump higher but also to help clients to grow into the best athletes that they can be. Jumping higher is a huge part of becoming a supreme athlete.

3.Post Shock Phase

The Post Shock Phase is the final stretch of this program. It is designed to give you the final push to reaching your vertical jump goals. This week is very intense and only has one rest day. At this point you would have done close to 35 workouts in the past 7 weeks. The best advice here would be to stretch, warm up, rest well and keep up your eating. You need to be in top shape so you can go all out.


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