Jump Training

Battle for #1….Alarming Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock vs Jump Manual Jump Training

Vertical Jump Training

Hundreds of thousands of basketball people as well as athletes from all the spectrums of sport would like to know if a person can slightly or even greatly improve there vertical jumping ability….And the answer is ABOSOLUTELY YESSSS!!!!

There are a few tools and training programs that you can definitely turn to and we are going to explore two of the top programs vertical jump training programs in this article.


Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training vs Jump Manual Jump Training:


First The Jump Manual

The Jump Manual was created in 2008 and, unfortunately, the website really shows age. The navigation can be frustrating at times and the website is not very well optimized for mobile phones. The old age of the program shows most in the quality of the videos. The picture quality and resolution just aren’t up to modern standards any more.

Jump Manual Workouts

In the membership section of the Jump Manual, you will find a workout chart that consists of 14 days (afterward you start over from the beginning) that tells you exactly what to do during each day. During these 14 days you are going to do:

Plyometric Jump Training (2 times):

Exercises like depth jumps or medicine ball throws work on your explosiveness and teach your body how to quickly mobilize a lot of muscle fibers for a quicker and more powerful vertical jump. These exercises increase your vertical by teaching your central nervous system how to work more efficiently and effectively. Expect the plyometric workouts to last around 90 minutes including warm up and cool down.

Lower Body Strength Training (2 times):

The lower body workouts combine heavy weightlifting exercises like deadlifts and squats with more explosive movements like hang cleans. During these workouts, you not only strengthen the muscles that you need during a vertical jump, but you also teach them to use their strength in a quick and powerful fashion. To perform this workout you will need access to a gym with squat racks and heavy barbells. If you don’t have a gym membership then there are bodyweight alternatives, but of course these exercises will limit the effect of the workout quite a bit.

Overall this workout consists of seven different exercises of which you will be doing four sets. Combined with warm up, cool down and getting to the gym this workout takes 2 hours pretty easily.

Core Body workouts (4 times):

​The core series is a rather short workout that you can do at home. Planks and other exercises intend to stabilize your core and improve the transfer of energy during the vertical jump. This workout is rather quick and will probably take you less than 30 minutes.

Stretch and Recover (all off-days):

Yep, you read that right! Even on off-days, you don’t really get off. Jacob Hiller provides you with a stretch & recovery routine that will help to improve your flexibility and improve muscular regeneration so that you will be back at 100% for the next workout.

Ease of Use

Difficulty of the exercises:

A lot of the exercises of the Jump Manual are really challenging and rely on correct technique to be executed safely. If you have never done heavy squats or deadlifts you should find a trainer who will teach you proper technique, otherwise, you can easily hurt your knees or screw up your back. This makes the Jump Manual less beginner friendly like the #1 competitor Vert Shock that relies 100% on bodyweight exercises. However, if you are an experienced weightlifter, then the Jump Manual will take advantage of this skill and produce significant (jump-specific!) increases of strength in a short time!

Difficulty of the workout schedule:

Everybody is motivated during the first weeks of a new training program, the hard part is to stick with it until the end. It definitely takes a lot of discipline to make it through 3 months of the Jump Manual as you are doing some kind of workout every day. No Pain, no gain – if you really want to dunk it will take some hard work!

Results of the Jump Manual

Jacob Hiller guarantees an improvement of at least 10 inches to your vertical leap in just 12 weeks. Of course, if you are already jumping 45 inches, your improvements might not be as extreme. But the Jump Manual has been on the market for almost 10 years, sold over 100.000 copies and it is still very popular. This just shows you that the program works!

You can find a lot of great success stories online, check out some of the most incredible ones here.

Is it for you?

Not every program works equally well for everybody. There are different types of athletes who need different types of training to maximize their potential for jumping high.

When it comes to the vertical jump we can divide athletes into two groups:

Single Leg jumpers:

These athletes are usually thin and lanky. They jump higher off of one foot and have very quick and “bouncy” takeoffs. A great example of a one-foot jumper is Zach LaVine.

Two-Foot jumpers:

These jumpers are often very strong and powerful and they do exceptionally well at squatting and deadlifting. Their vertical jump is a lot slower compared to single-leg jumpers, but they compensate this lack of quickness by bending deeper and using their strength to their full advantage. A great example of a player that fits this description is Aaron Gordon.

Jump Manual Program Review – Does It Really Work?

Strength, agility, and the ability to jump and dunk without trouble are three critical skills required to be a star basketball player. For some, these talents come naturally but the rest of have to work hard and follow a strict workout routine to gain these abilities.  But that's ok if we are willing to work hard and have a good step by step program to follow we too play basketball at a high level

One of the very best options is to follow the Jump Manual system created by Jacob Hiller to get some of the very best results.

It is a comprehensive 14-day cycle workout program, created especially for aspiring athletes to gain 10-inch to their jumping height in a time-span of 12 weeks.

It is no magic, but a scientific approach backed by years of research and carefully applied coaching techniques by Jacob Hiller, who is a certified physical trainer by American Council on Exercise, with an experience of 15 years into training professional NBA players and Olympic athletes.  In our jump manual review guide we will discuss all the thing about it that you should know before get started.


So is the Jump manual a good fit for you?

The Jump Manual relies a lot on heavy weightlifting and is therefore a better fit for two-foot jumpers who might not be as quick but have legs that can produce a lot of power during the takeoff.

Single leg jumpers will still benefit from the improved strength, but a workout that focuses more on advanced plyometrics and quickness like Vert Shock might be the better choice.


What Is Vert Shock And Why Do You Need This Vertical Jump Training?

Vert Shock is a system which is relatively new to the internet and it's purpose is to increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches in just 8 weeks.  For most people that seems insane and impossible to most but it didn’t seem impossible to the two creators Adam Folker and Justin Darlington.  We will explain who they are soon but for now back to the program.

The approach this program takes is a little different than others and applies a very high-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.

We don’t normally believe those online program courses to be true but anything that involves playing more basketball is always welcomed so we decided to at least give it a try. The beauty of this product is that the results you will get will happen within the money-back period of two months and therefore if you aren’t satisfied you can always ask for your money back.

The first thing we did, as we do with any other online training course, was to check the reviews. Reviews can often be biased and even purchased but if you know how to filter the fake ones from the real people giving their honest opinion you will always be able to find out whether a product is good or bad. Even the most negative reviews were somewhat positive, as they stated that there was progress but not as big as 15 inches. Our first thought was that those people didn’t really go through the whole course properly and therefore only achieved partial results. The amount of reviews from people claiming they got a 10+ inch vertical jump improvement was astonishing clearly showing us that whatever this program was, it was done in a right way.

Click here and below for real people testimonials


Go here now to get your chance of greatly improving your Vertical Jump!!!

Final Analysis:

In the end this tough decision is up to you.  Whichever vertical jump training program you choose you can not go wrong.  The real common denominator are you willing to work very hard to get better.  You have to have a burning desire to get better, stronger, quicker and jump higher!!!






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