Vert Shock Jump Training

Vert Shock Jump Training

In the program, you will learn what foods you need to eat to keep your body in shape, even if you focus on increasing your vertical jump. None of the exercises discussed and shown in the program require equipment, which I will discuss later in this Vert Shock review in terms of both pros and cons. The Vert Shock workout program does not require you to lift heavy dumbbells or do any squat or weight lifting.

Vert Shock consists of workouts that apply enough muscle strength so that your body can start using fast fibers instead of slow ones. Vert Shock is one of the best guides ever written on the subject, and the training program is designed for optimal results regardless of skill level.

Vert Shock Founders

The Vert Shock program from professional athletes Adam Folker and Justin “Juice Fly” Darlington tells you exactly how to train your muscles to maximize your athletic performance.

This provides a foundation on which your body can perform high impact jumps. This part is very important because it is not enough to have a vertical high jump – you also need to be able to consistently perform high jumps. As we said before, Vert Shock is a program designed to help people improve their vertical jump in a short amount of time. Unlike other vertical jump training programs offered online, this 3 part program includes more than strength training.

How Vert Shock Works

This program includes many different jumping and squatting exercises. Here you will find a basic 8 week jumping program and more. While Vert Shock suggests that you add these exercises to your standard 8-week program, I actually think it's best to pick them up later and work on them AFTER you've completed the course (which is pretty intense already).

This includes a lot of warm-ups and cool-downs, as well as various exercises you've probably done before, like tuck jumps. People who don't normally do jumping exercises may experience an inch or two at this time.

The exercises in this final stage are basically the jumps you trained earlier, but the reps are higher. After completing this stage, you will be able to jump high whenever you want. At the end of this step, your vertical jump height will increase by about 3-5 inches. Any workout done during this phase is very intense, but it will be critical to helping you jump higher.

At this stage, you will have to do three workouts every seven days for forty minutes. Shock phase: lasts 6 out of 8 weeks and builds muscles for jumping. This will be a four-day workout for the current week, and each workout will be 30 minutes long. This training will take place three days a week and each session will last 40 minutes.

The program is an 8-week training course and is divided into 3 offers. Both are complete programs that include improving your lifestyle, resting habits, shaping yourself and your body, in addition to real vertical jump training.

These include strength training, static core training, high impact training, and ground contact jump training. Plyometrics. Simply put, this advanced plyometrics includes all the intense exercises that are specific to jumping.


Vert Shock Results

This is a three-step program that will increase your jump to at least 9-15 inches. If you are a basketball player, volleyball player or athlete looking to improve their athleticism and jump higher, you should try this program. This is not a jumping tutorial, nor does it force you to do heavy squats or deadlifts. If you're reading this Vert Shock review, you've probably done countless hours of strength training to improve your jumping ability.

This is the only reason many people want to sign up for a workout that can help them improve their jumps. You may know how to do all the jumping exercises in the world, but it doesn't matter if there is no system for your workouts.

Part of adopting the Vert Shock training system was understanding that these guys need to have the type of training or training that will make them jump better than us. After paying for the Vert Shock, we took the training seriously, followed the program like a religion, and did our best to jump higher. It all paid off in the end, and to this day, we still consider buying a Vert Shock one of the biggest investments we've ever made, and we think you should give it a try too if you're serious about jumping higher.

Since then, I have continued to test other jumping training programs such as BoingVERT and Bounce Kit, but Vert Shock consistently proves to be the best in terms of presentation, value for money and performance. For instant access to Vert Shock, visit the official website for full details. This helps support our research and editorial team, and please know that we only recommend high quality products. You'll find various e-books, apps, and other products called Vert Shock on sites like Amazon and eBay, but these are fakes and not the actual training that has led to so many success stories.

Over the past few years, Jump Manual has gathered groups of cheerful customers who have proven the program really works and has shaped the most popular vertical jumps brewing on the web. Below, we'll take a closer look at how this program can help you increase your vertical jump, including tapping who should or shouldn't follow it. Vert Shock is a new program designed to enable people to increase their vertical jump to ten inches in sixty days.

The VertShock workout program was designed as an alternative to jumping exercises because it gives you faster results with less risk of injury. The reason why Vert Shock can give results that other methods can't is because it trains fast twitch muscle fibers and also teaches you how to use those fibers in your body when you need them, like before jump for a dunk. Compared to most programs, the Vert Shock program takes an out-of-the-box approach, relying on high-intensity plyometric exercises to deliver results in a short amount of time. There is no heavy weight training so it is also one of the safest programs on the market.

Instead, use methods that “shock” your muscular system, allowing you to jump higher than you thought. By the time you've completed the punching phase, your jumps will have increased from ten to fifteen inches. The creator of the program also claims that by the end of the second stage, you will increase your jump height by about 9-15 inches. This program ensures that you can at least add nine to fifteen inches or more, but no less, to your current vertical jump.

Fundamentals Basketball Workout Plan

Your Fundamentals Basketball Workout Plan

There are many ways to become a very good basketball player. Many types of people come to the “arena” that love basketball and want to be good to great basketball players. Some tall, some extremely fast and quick and with great jumping ability. Some are the opposite of this and many in between. Whatever you are bringing to the table by nature and birth, no matter anyone tells you is not the defining answer.

Some with great physical attributes rely on only these advantages and never get to where they want to go in The Game. It's because they never bothered to incorporate through extreme hard work the fundamentals of basketball. Some without these natural gifts give up too soon. They may continue on but they don't stay diligently and unwaveringly on their mission to be a great basketball player. YOU CAN DO IT if you stay the course. You have to have a burning desire to be a ball player.

If you can shoot the basketball and you have a good to great handle (and I don't mean showboat type, but we'll talk about that in here later), and you can pass there is a place for you on somebody's team at every level. Believe that. I know this. I've been around a long time played basketball since I was 6 years old and played at a high level all the way up to Division I. You have to work everyday to improve.

Basketball Workout Plan
WOW that dude can shoot…

Fundamentals of Shooting The Basketball

Some basic tenants of shooting a basketball are:

  • 1: Elbow in an L shape
  • 2: Ball seated in your shooting hand without the ball resting in the palm of your hand (finger tip control)
  • 3:Your shoulders squared up and facing your target
  • 4: Aim at your target with your head and eyes (I always did and always taught others to aim at just over the front of the rim to help with that soft touch you want…some teach to aim at the back of the rim…I believe this leads to harder shots)
  • 5: and your feet approximately shoulder width apart with your shooting side foot slightly ahead of the other foot
  • 6: Follow through with your shooting hand straight up in the and your hand and fingers only extending towards your target like a goose neck)
  • 7: Some teach that you shoot get ready to follow your shot in case you miss but feel this is self-defeating as I believe that you should totally believe that you are going to make every shot. If your worried about missing it will lead to more misses.
  • The most important things are to practice every single day on your shooting and to know that like hitting a baseball shooting is AN ATTITUDE you have to KNOW you can shoot and with putting in the work you better know this in your heart!!!

Below is a good example of shooting basics from Coach Ryan Razooky of ILoveBasketballTV




Vert Shock Workout Exposed

Vert Shock Workout

Vert Shock Workout

Vert Shock is a revolutionary training program that improves vertical jump by combining plyometrics and weight lifting. It has been designed to improve explosiveness, strength, and speed in athletes of all levels and ages. The Vert Shock training program was developed as an alternative to jumping exercises because it provides quicker results with less risk of injury.

Regardless of what sport you do – be it basketball, football, soccer, or volleyball – you need to be fast, strong, and have a high jump. These are qualities which can make or break you as an athlete. The program Vert Shock was developed by former European professional basketball player Adam Folker and multi-decorated slam dunk champion Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, you are told exactly how to train your muscles to maximize your performance as an athlete.

What Is The Vert Shock Workout All About

Vert Shock is a 3-part program designed to help you improve your vertical jump. Unlike pretty much every other jump training program out there, vertical jump does not rely on strength training alone. Instead, it uses methods which “shock” your muscle system, allowing you to jump higher than you thought was possible.

The entire program lasts 8 weeks. By the end of the first week, you will already be able to jump 3-5 inches higher. By the end of the second phase, you will have added 9-15 inches to your vertical jump (depending on what your initial abilities were). The final phase is about solidifying these results so you can jump high whenever and wherever you need to.

How Does Vert Shock Work?

If you are reading this Vert Shock review, then you have probably already spent countless hours on strength training in order to improve your jump. Even with all that effort, you probably didn’t see gains of more than a few inches – and you certainly didn’t see them overnight! So, you might be skeptical of a program which promises to improve your jump shot by 3-5 inches in the first week and give you up to 15 inch gains on your vertical jump by the end of the 8-week program. The reason that Vert Shock can get results when other methods couldn’t is because it trains your fast twitch muscle fibers and also teaches you how to utilize these fibers in your body when you need them – like right before jumping for a dunk shot.

There Are 3 Phases Of Vert Shock

Pre Shock Phase

This initial phase lasts 7 days. It is designed to prepare your body for the exercises in the second phase and to help you identify your muscle fiber usage. After just this Pre Shock Phase, you will be able to improve your vertical jump by 3 to 5 inches.

Shock Phase

This is the most intense part of the Vert Shock program. It lasts 6 weeks and requires a commitment to training. You are expected to do a combination of plyometric and strength-training exercises 4 times per week (less than 1 hour per session is required). You will learn how to utilize your nervous system so you get explosive energy from your fast-twitch muscle fibers without exhausting your energy reserves.

Post-Shock Phase

This final phase of Vert Shock is all about teaching your muscles to act upon command, so they give you explosive performance without you having to think about it. This part is very important because it isn’t enough to have a high vertical jump – you’ve also got to be able to deliver the high jump consistently.

The Vert Shock program is based on the science of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. When we talk about athletic performance, we usually just talk about muscles in general. Muscles are made up of bundles of individual fibers. When these bundles contract, we get movement. There are two main types of fibers which make up muscles, each of which controls our movement in a different way:

  • Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers: These are smaller fibers which are designed for endurance-based movements such as running. They are very efficient fibers as they don’t require much fuel to produce movement and can keep going for long periods of time before feeling fatigued. Athletes like long-distance runners primarily use their slow-twitch muscle fibers.
  • Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers: Compared to slow-twitch muscle fibers, fast-twitch muscle fibers are much larger. They are designed for movements in which strength and power are needed. Fast-twitch muscle fibers produce the same amount of force as slow-twitch fibers. However, because they are fired more rapidly, they can produce very explosive results – like allowing you to jump 40+ inches vertically in the air! Fast-twitch muscle fibers.
  • Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers: Compared to slow-twitch muscle fibers, fast-twitch muscle fibers are much larger. They are designed for movements in which strength and power are needed. Fast-twitch muscle fibers produce the same amount of force as slow-twitch fibers. However, because they are fired more rapidly, they can produce very explosive results – like allowing you to jump 40+ inches vertically in the air! Fast-twitch muscle fibers are not efficient and require a lot of energy, thus they get fatigued easily.

When we move, our bodies determine which muscle fibers will be used based on the type of force applied upon them. If your movement requires a lot of force, then it will use more fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Remember that fast-twitch muscle fibers are not efficient…. Because they take up so much energy, your body is stingy about using them. Vert Shock is about teaching your body to use more of the explosive fast-twitch muscle fibers during a jump so you get great explosive results.


Vert Shock Workout Conclusion

Fast-twitch muscle fiber training is something that every athlete should know about, especially if they are doing sports which require explosive bursts of energy. Vert Shock is one of the best guides to the subject ever written and the workout routine is designed to get optimal results, regardless of skill level. At $67, it might seem a bit pricy, but it is definitely cheaper than hours of coaching and even cheaper than having a personalized training plan made up for you. Since the entire program is backed by a money-back guarantee, there is really no reason not to try out Vert Shock.

In order to get the most out of training programs, it is important not only that they are simple but also constantly changing. While there may be various gimmicks available for people interested in improving their fitness levels or athletic abilities, these just won't provide long-lasting success if you're committed to a lifestyle change and want your body composition altered permanently. The best way to achieve this is through consistency with an approach tailored specifically around what works best for each individual person's needs – which can mean anything from focusing on cardiovascular health while building muscle mass (or vice versa), implementing full-body workouts when possible rather than splitting up daily exercises into separate parts before getting tired too quickly by switching focus back onto one part until another becomes fatigued again


#11 Certified Kyrie Irving Is Back Shocking The Basketball World Again

Kyrie Irving is back?

Yes the great Kyrie Irving is back playing basketball with the Brooklyn Nets. Kyrie Irving who has been sitting out the NBA season thus far because he for his own reasons would not get a COVID-19 shot. The issue is New York City sports arena laws, will not let him play games in New York (of course his home team city). He also can not practice with them in New York for COVID restrictions.

So at that point the Nets had him sitting out because he in essence would become a “part-time player” being that he can't practice with the team nor play any home games. Up to this point Kyrie Irving had missed the Nets first 35 games. Why other than trying to keep up the Nets brought him I'm not sure. Brooklyn of course with Kyrie's incredible and elite basketball skills makes them and even more formidable team (they were 23 wins and 12 losses before his return)

Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving's Return

Kyrie Irving came back to play Wednesday January 5th in Indiana. The Nets defeated the Indiana Pacers 129-121. Kyrie Irving with no previous pre-season type official training went out and scored 22 points had 4 assists 3 rebounds and 3 steals in 31 minutes. Some of the plays he made were truly in his own way electrifying. The Nets next game is tonight Friday January 7th and Kyrie will not play tonight as the Nets are at home against the Milwaukee Bucks in Brooklyn (I guess the Nets could use him tonight 🙂 )

What Did Kyrie Have To Say After Wednesday's Game?

Kyrie was asked after the game on Wednesday if his stance on getting the vaccine might change in the near future.

“Man, I'm just taking it one day at a time,” he said. “Like I said earlier in the season, it's not an ideal situation and I'm always praying that things get figured out and we're able to come to some collective agreement, whether it be with the league or it's just things that's going on that could help kind of ease what we're all dealing with COVID-19 and the vaccine.

“I think everybody's feeling it, so I don't want to make it simply about me and someone lessening the rules for me. I know what the consequences were, I still know what they are, but right now I'm just going to take it one day at a time like I said and just enjoy this time I get to play with my guys. And however it looks later in the season, then we'll address it then.”

Before getting up from the podium, Irvin smiled when asked if that meant getting vaccinated was still a possibility.

“Oh come on, man,” Irving said. “Don't hang onto me.” (whatever that means, seams like a natural question)

Just for the record I do respect Irving's and anybody else's right for their choice on this subject. Many people have many varied reasons and fears and mistrusts for not getting vaccinated. I from the very beginning some deep and struggling thoughts and discussions about whether or not I should get vaccinated. Now back to basketball….

Kyrie Irving's Teammates Thoughts On His Return?

Kevin Durant, said it was “incredible” to have Irving back.

“It was amazing to have him out there,” Durant said. “I just missed his presence around the locker room, his energy, his vibe around the team. And then his game is just so beautiful. It makes the game so much easier for everybody out there. It was amazing to see him out on the floor again.

Durant went on to say of his teammate after win: ‘The game of basketball is happy to have him back'

“The crowd showed him so much love, teammates, just the game of basketball is happy to have him back. He made the game so much more difficult for the Pacers, giving us a different attack, especially in the fourth quarter. We'll just keep building on this.” Cool, sure doesn't make weaker as Irving is an incredible talent and the “Big 3's” unique blend of skill sets including as some might not believe, ball sharing and great passing skills being among them, lead to making them a more than formidable team to deal with. The offense with those 3 and some great “fit” pieces like extreme sharpshooter Joe Harris (currently injure but expected back for playoffs) tough matchup and supposedly retired Lamarcus Aldridge, The multi-talented front liner Blake Griffin and tough Paul Millsap among some others they will be a tough team to deal with.

Of course there are some deficiencies including and no small thing, the abysmal lack of defense overall and more specific Kyrie himself and the woeful to nonexistent defense of James Harden 🙂 🙂

Anyway back to his teammate's thoughts after Wednesday's game….

“It's special,” James Harden said. “It felt like he's been playing all season. He looked comfortable as usual, his pace, his rhythm. It looked like Kyrie.”

Harden also said

“Special, feels like he's been playing all season”

“Harden said he knows it's going to take a little more time for the Nets to come together with Irving back in the fold, but the sense of belief Irving brought back to the floor was palpable.”

We will continue to follow this situation and in the mean time we can somewhat enjoy Kyrie Irving's more than mad ball handling wizardry….






Battle for #1….Alarming Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock vs Jump Manual Jump Training

Vertical Jump Training

Hundreds of thousands of basketball people as well as athletes from all the spectrums of sport would like to know if a person can slightly or even greatly improve there vertical jumping ability….And the answer is ABOSOLUTELY YESSSS!!!!

There are a few tools and training programs that you can definitely turn to and we are going to explore two of the top programs vertical jump training programs in this article.


Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training vs Jump Manual Jump Training:


First The Jump Manual

The Jump Manual was created in 2008 and, unfortunately, the website really shows age. The navigation can be frustrating at times and the website is not very well optimized for mobile phones. The old age of the program shows most in the quality of the videos. The picture quality and resolution just aren’t up to modern standards any more.

Jump Manual Workouts

In the membership section of the Jump Manual, you will find a workout chart that consists of 14 days (afterward you start over from the beginning) that tells you exactly what to do during each day. During these 14 days you are going to do:

Plyometric Jump Training (2 times):

Exercises like depth jumps or medicine ball throws work on your explosiveness and teach your body how to quickly mobilize a lot of muscle fibers for a quicker and more powerful vertical jump. These exercises increase your vertical by teaching your central nervous system how to work more efficiently and effectively. Expect the plyometric workouts to last around 90 minutes including warm up and cool down.

Lower Body Strength Training (2 times):

The lower body workouts combine heavy weightlifting exercises like deadlifts and squats with more explosive movements like hang cleans. During these workouts, you not only strengthen the muscles that you need during a vertical jump, but you also teach them to use their strength in a quick and powerful fashion. To perform this workout you will need access to a gym with squat racks and heavy barbells. If you don’t have a gym membership then there are bodyweight alternatives, but of course these exercises will limit the effect of the workout quite a bit.

Overall this workout consists of seven different exercises of which you will be doing four sets. Combined with warm up, cool down and getting to the gym this workout takes 2 hours pretty easily.

Core Body workouts (4 times):

​The core series is a rather short workout that you can do at home. Planks and other exercises intend to stabilize your core and improve the transfer of energy during the vertical jump. This workout is rather quick and will probably take you less than 30 minutes.

Stretch and Recover (all off-days):

Yep, you read that right! Even on off-days, you don’t really get off. Jacob Hiller provides you with a stretch & recovery routine that will help to improve your flexibility and improve muscular regeneration so that you will be back at 100% for the next workout.

Ease of Use

Difficulty of the exercises:

A lot of the exercises of the Jump Manual are really challenging and rely on correct technique to be executed safely. If you have never done heavy squats or deadlifts you should find a trainer who will teach you proper technique, otherwise, you can easily hurt your knees or screw up your back. This makes the Jump Manual less beginner friendly like the #1 competitor Vert Shock that relies 100% on bodyweight exercises. However, if you are an experienced weightlifter, then the Jump Manual will take advantage of this skill and produce significant (jump-specific!) increases of strength in a short time!

Difficulty of the workout schedule:

Everybody is motivated during the first weeks of a new training program, the hard part is to stick with it until the end. It definitely takes a lot of discipline to make it through 3 months of the Jump Manual as you are doing some kind of workout every day. No Pain, no gain – if you really want to dunk it will take some hard work!

Results of the Jump Manual

Jacob Hiller guarantees an improvement of at least 10 inches to your vertical leap in just 12 weeks. Of course, if you are already jumping 45 inches, your improvements might not be as extreme. But the Jump Manual has been on the market for almost 10 years, sold over 100.000 copies and it is still very popular. This just shows you that the program works!

You can find a lot of great success stories online, check out some of the most incredible ones here.

Is it for you?

Not every program works equally well for everybody. There are different types of athletes who need different types of training to maximize their potential for jumping high.

When it comes to the vertical jump we can divide athletes into two groups:

Single Leg jumpers:

These athletes are usually thin and lanky. They jump higher off of one foot and have very quick and “bouncy” takeoffs. A great example of a one-foot jumper is Zach LaVine.

Two-Foot jumpers:

These jumpers are often very strong and powerful and they do exceptionally well at squatting and deadlifting. Their vertical jump is a lot slower compared to single-leg jumpers, but they compensate this lack of quickness by bending deeper and using their strength to their full advantage. A great example of a player that fits this description is Aaron Gordon.

Jump Manual Program Review – Does It Really Work?

Strength, agility, and the ability to jump and dunk without trouble are three critical skills required to be a star basketball player. For some, these talents come naturally but the rest of have to work hard and follow a strict workout routine to gain these abilities. But that's ok if we are willing to work hard and have a good step by step program to follow we too play basketball at a high level

One of the very best options is to follow the Jump Manual system created by Jacob Hiller to get some of the very best results.

It is a comprehensive 14-day cycle workout program, created especially for aspiring athletes to gain 10-inch to their jumping height in a time-span of 12 weeks.

It is no magic, but a scientific approach backed by years of research and carefully applied coaching techniques by Jacob Hiller, who is a certified physical trainer by American Council on Exercise, with an experience of 15 years into training professional NBA players and Olympic athletes. In our jump manual review guide we will discuss all the thing about it that you should know before get started.


So is the Jump manual a good fit for you?

The Jump Manual relies a lot on heavy weightlifting and is therefore a better fit for two-foot jumpers who might not be as quick but have legs that can produce a lot of power during the takeoff.

Single leg jumpers will still benefit from the improved strength, but a workout that focuses more on advanced plyometrics and quickness like Vert Shock might be the better choice.


What Is Vert Shock And Why Do You Need This Vertical Jump Training?

Vert Shock is a system which is relatively new to the internet and it's purpose is to increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches in just 8 weeks. For most people that seems insane and impossible to most but it didn’t seem impossible to the two creators Adam Folker and Justin Darlington. We will explain who they are soon but for now back to the program.

The approach this program takes is a little different than others and applies a very high-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.

We don’t normally believe those online program courses to be true but anything that involves playing more basketball is always welcomed so we decided to at least give it a try. The beauty of this product is that the results you will get will happen within the money-back period of two months and therefore if you aren’t satisfied you can always ask for your money back.

The first thing we did, as we do with any other online training course, was to check the reviews. Reviews can often be biased and even purchased but if you know how to filter the fake ones from the real people giving their honest opinion you will always be able to find out whether a product is good or bad. Even the most negative reviews were somewhat positive, as they stated that there was progress but not as big as 15 inches. Our first thought was that those people didn’t really go through the whole course properly and therefore only achieved partial results. The amount of reviews from people claiming they got a 10+ inch vertical jump improvement was astonishing clearly showing us that whatever this program was, it was done in a right way.

Click here and below for real people testimonials


Vertical Jump Training
Go here now to get your chance of greatly improving your Vertical Jump!!!

Final Analysis:

In the end this tough decision is up to you. Whichever vertical jump training program you choose you can not go wrong. The real common denominator are you willing to work very hard to get better. You have to have a burning desire to get better, stronger, quicker and jump higher!!!





Absolutely Outrageous 48 Inch Vertical Jump!!!

You Need A 40 Inch Vertical Jump

You know you need a 40 inch vertical jump at the minimum to compete with a lot of todays basketball players. You've seen the ballers on television and you've seen the guys at the Local school games, heck you've seen and played against the players at the playground. You have game but you need a little more vertical jump. How are you gonna get it…I'll tell you how!!!

40 Inch Vertical Jump, vert shock, vert shock free download pdf

Vert Shock Jump Training

You've heard of Vert Shock before but how do you get it. I can get you Vert Shock Free Pdf or the paid version at a big time discount!!! I will show you how to get both of these options a little later in the article. If you want to be a straight up bad ass baller you need to get your leaps up….Get Vert Shock Now!!!

What Is This Vert Shock Nonsense Anyway?

Vert shock is the #1 vertical jump workout program that is available to you today.

Can you get Vert Shock Free? You can get a starter Vert Shock pdf by clicking HERE

Vert Shock is a training system designed to dynamically increase your vertical jump.

Who Is Behind This Vert Shock Phenomenom!!!

Before we start this Vert Shock review, let me explain what Vert Shock is and who put the incredible program together.

The Vert Shock program is created by Adam Folker, former Division 1 basketball player at UC Irvine and Professional player overseas and Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, a RIDICULOUS dunker with an absolutely insane 53’’ vertical. That's 8 more inches than the GOAT Michael Jordan

What Are The Testimonies Of People That Have Used It?

There are a ton of testimonials that show the positive results that users of the Vert Shock program have achieved. While I’m always a bit weary of testimonials in general, I think you’ll see that most if not all of these testimonials for Vert Shock are authentic. Click below and see their stories.

click here for dozens of Testimonials

This Is How Vert Shock Works

The Vert Shock Phases

1.Pre Shock Phase

This is the first phase that you will do in the 8-week program. Do not let the name fool you, however, this Pre Shock Phase was not easy at all! You will have 6 workouts in the week and you get one rest day. The pattern here is 3 workouts, then rest, then more 3 workouts. Below are some of the exercises you will be performing. The workouts averaged about 13 sets a day with a range of 4-6 exercises excluding the warm up and cool down (Don’t skip out on warming up and cooling down for knee injury prevention purposes!). It involved a lot more than just jumping, it also makes you work on your core which is often an overlooked component to jumping higher(it’s actually more important than you probably think!)

Notes On The Pre-Shock Phase

Yes it is a vey intense week. The Pre-Shock phase introduces you to a variety of new exercises that are very challenging to your jumping abilities but also your balance, coordination, and core.

The workouts should take not much more than 45 minutes to complete, this excludes the warm up and cool down which make the total workout time no longer than an hour and a half to complete. By the end of the pre-shock phase your body will be shocked right to the core. After this phase you will already begin to feel quicker and more explosive.

It will be challenging and you should listen to your body and maybe give yourself a day or 2 to rest before moving on to the next phase. It's a tough balance between “no pain no gain” and keeping yourself healthy and not having a set back to your soon to come increased leaping abilities.

2.The Shock Phase

The Shock Phase is 6 weeks long. You will be working out 5-6 days a week, performing 4-6 exercises every day. Again, these exercises will definitely challenge your jumping ability, coordination, balance, strength, and core.

Shock Phase Notes

You could become a little overwhelmed when you first see the amount of days you'll need to commit for the next 6 weeks. In the end it's really not too bad.

It’s important to note that Vert Shock can promise such insane results in such a short amount of time because of the intense nature of the training. At times you might like you are being trained to compete some vertical jump competition. At this point in the phase all you should be focusing on is completing each workout with maximum effort, eating right and resting. If you can do that for this 6-week section of the training you will likely be seeing impressive gains in your jump, strength and explosiveness.

Vert Shock Is Much More Than A Great Jump Program

Vert Shock is such an incredible vertical jump program because of the variety of exercises that are incorporated into it. You’re not jumping sometimes 4-6 days of the week. You’re working out your core, your coordination, power and balance all attributes that every great athlete, basketball player and dunker possess.

You Have To Do The Work

After this phase, we knew that Vert Shock wasn’t a gimmick, it’s the real deal. This training is designed to help most athletes become the explosive beasts that they want to become. We say it can help “most athletes” because not everyone who buys this program will put in the required effort it takes to get the most out of Vert Shock, but those who are willing are the ones who will really benefit from this vertical jump program.
Overall the attention given to detail in this jump program is what makes Vert Shock so intriguing to athletes around the world in the end so successful. It’s easy to see that Adam and Justin created this program not only to help people jump higher but also to help clients to grow into the best athletes that they can be. Jumping higher is a huge part of becoming a supreme athlete.

3.Post Shock Phase

The Post Shock Phase is the final stretch of this program. It is designed to give you the final push to reaching your vertical jump goals. This week is very intense and only has one rest day. At this point you would have done close to 35 workouts in the past 7 weeks. The best advice here would be to stretch, warm up, rest well and keep up your eating. You need to be in top shape so you can go all out.

40 inch vertical jump, vert shock, vert shock free pdf

Kobe Bryant: A Joyous Basketball Tribute To #1

The Black Momba

Kobe Bryant was always one of my favorite players from his time in High School at Lower Merion just outside of Philadelphia to his rookie year with the Los Angeles Lakers.

I like everyone else was shocked and totally devastated when I heard the terrible news that dark day. Kobe's game was so elegant and graceful to me like a poem or a smooth Jazz song.

Kobe The Early Days

When he got to the NBA when first drafted by the Charlotte Hornets and for some reason that I will never ever be able to fathom traded him to the Lakers for Vladi Divac. I do understand that Charlotte needed a center and Divac was a good Center. But come on man.

There are some players that you just know…. Michael Jordan coming out of college there were some people that actually weren't sure he would be an all-time great and were ok with him being the number 3 pick. LeBron I am pretty sure EVERYBODY on earth knew he was going to be an All-Time Great. Kobe Bryant to me was another one who you had to know when you see him.


Kobe Bryant

Will continue my Kobe Bryant tribute later today…

Number 1 In NBA History?

Kobe Bryant is definitely in the discussion to be the basketball player in the history of basketball. The greatest of all-time is a very open and rightly disputed argument. I don't believe that Kobe is quite the the greatest that ever played.

We Give Our Rankings Below:

Magnificent 10 NBA Basketball Players Of All Time

  1. Michael Jordan
  2. Wilt Chamberlain
  3. Bill Russell
  4. Kareem Abdul Jabbar
  5. LeBron James
  6. Larry Bird
  7. Oscar Robertson
  8. Kobe Bryant
  9. Hakeem Olajuwan
  10. Magic Johnson

I do realize that we left off players that you and many others may have put on. It is extremely tough and close. Players such as Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan, Jerry West and some others are deserving. With all of that being said Kobe has to be in anyone's Top 10

Kobe Bryant The Perfect Basketball Player

Kobe is in the Top 10 of course. What I do believe is that Kobe is the most perfect basketball player that ever graced a court. By that I mean a combination all of his basic fundamental skills (ball-handling-passing-picture perfect shooting form, defense and basketball IQ). All of that combined in a 6-6 about 215 lb frame (perfect 2 guard size) helps makes him the perfect basketball player. Combine all of that with his un-matched work ethic, insatiable intensity and fire and absolutely unquestionable clutch make him the perfect basketball player. Add to that extreme quickness and body control which if he were 6-2 would make that an incredible package but he was six-foot six inches.

Oh That's Right He Could Fly Too, Damn!

1 Jan 2001: Kobe Bryant



Kobe Bryant


Now that's a picture jump shot

First Impressions Of Kobe Bryant

When I first started watching Kobe Bryant play in the NBA I could tell that he had a once again insatiable burning desire to be great and you could see that he had absolutely no fear of his moment, the league, his competition or his hype. Having coming straight out of High School and a huge hype most player can't handle all of that. Kobe was most obviously oblivious to all of that. While he without a doubt of could have started right away for the Lakers they decided to smartly bring him along slowly and let him come off of the bench behind an extremely accomplished all-around two guard in Eddie Jones. But as good as George was he was holding down a spot for one of the greatest of all-time.

The Jerry West Intervention

The story goes that the incomparable Jerry West (The NBA Logo and top 20 player of all-time and at the time amazing GM of the Lakers) was thinking about trading for Bryant on draft or setting some type of deal with any team in position which ended up being the Charlotte Hornets. West had Kobe flown in to play some pickup games with some of the stars on the Lakers at the time Eddie Jones, Nick Van Excel to name a couple. When West saw Kobe go up against the established for about 10 minutes he told him to go in the locker room he had seen enough he saw right away what he was looking at and began to dream up some deal to get this generational and franchise changing talent

Kobe Bryant


He did put it together and made now infamous 1996 Draft Day deal with the Charlotte Hornets which went like this The Charlotte Hornets selected Kobe Bryant with the 13th Pick (12 teams passed on The Black Mamba? Well really 13) and traded Kobe to the Lakers for 7 foot center Vlade Divac who was a very good but not great player but come on now> Think of how Charlotte's fortune would have been changed from that day until now. But I think I speak for most by saying thank God they did and gave us this perfect Fairy Tail story with Kobe going to his life long dream love LA Lakers!!! The story of how NBA History was changed

From This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To This!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY US!!!!!

The All-Time Magnificent 10 NBA Basketball List

Magnificent 10 NBA Basketball Players Of All Time

  1. Michael Jordan
  2. Wilt Chamberlain
  3. Bill Russell
  4. Kareem Abdul Jabbar
  5. LeBron James
  6. Larry Bird
  7. Oscar Robertson
  8. Kobe Bryant
  9. Hakeem Oajuwon
  10. Magic Johnson
NBA Basketball G.O.A.T
NBA Basketball G.O.A.T




NBA Basketball Big Man
The Big Dipper Wilt Chamberlain

NBA Basketball


Top 10 NBA Teams Of All Time

1-Chicago Bulls 1995-96 72-10…….Won the NBA Title vs. a fantastic Seattle Supersonics team led by Gary “The Glove” Payton and Shawn Kemp. Head Coach of the Bulls (or Da Bulls) Phil Jackson

Starting Lineup:



G-Michael Jordan NBA Basketball Greatest

G-Ron Harper

C-Luc Longley

F-Scottie Pippen

F-Dennis Rodman


With an astonishing 72-10 record they were the first team to win 70 games in an NBA season. Only one other team before or since has even won 70 games and it was the sensational 2015-16 Golden State Warriors at a crazy 73 -9 record. The Bulls were led in scoring by the G.O.A.T. Michael Jordan at 30.4 ppg just a shade under his NBA career leading 30.1 ppg. Jordan was also named MVP this season as well as NBA Basketball Finals MVP


This team was and would be in any era a nightmare defensively. They held teams to a stifling 92.9 ppg. The biggest key to their suffocating defense was the length and unmatched athleticism of their wing type players. The guards Jordan and Harper were both 6-6 and could cover either guard position and small forwards and some power forwards. Scottie Pippen at 6-8 is one of the greatest defensive players of all-time and could cover any position player on the floor. Dennis Rodman at 6-8 could cover either forward position and many centers and is also one of the greatest defensive players of all-time. Ron Harper was also an extremely good defender as well. By the way Michael Jordan was originally named “The Glove” for his defensive prowess and is also unanimously known to be one of the best defensive players in NBA history. So that's 3 of the best defensive players in NBA history and all 3 are as stated before between 6-6 and 6-8 inches tall.

Defensive Awards

Jordan was named NBA Defensive Player of The Year in 1987-88 and was a 9 time NBA 1st Team all defensive team selection. Dennis Rodman was the NBA Defensive Player of The Year twice in his career for the 1989-90 and 1990-91 seasons and named 1st Team NBA All Defense 7 times. He also led the league in rebounding 7 times actually in 7 consecutive years including the 95-96 season. Scottie Pippen somehow never won the Defensive Player of The Year but was named NBA 1st Team All Defense 8 times and all of those were in consecutive years! During that incredible 72 win season Jordan, Pippen and Rodman were named 1st Team NBA All Defense! That's crazy….. The Bulls started that 95-96 season 41-3! Because of all of that defense, clutch play 3 Hall of Famers (Jordan, Pippen and Rodman) and arguably the greatest scorer of all-time in Jordan (Wilt and Kareem have big time arguments) I see this as the greatest team in NBA history…..

2-Philadelphia 76ers 1966-67 68-13…..And won the NBA Title defeating the Warriors in 6 games. This teams was incredible. They had arguably both the greatest player and greatest big men of all-time in Wilt Chamberlain!

Head Coach Alex Hannum

Starting Lineup:

G-Hal Greer

G-Wali Jones

C-Wilt Chamberlain

F-Chet “The Jet” Walker

F-Luke Jackson

This was a potent starting lineup with a phenominal 6th Man in Billy Cunningham who 18.5 ppg and 7.3 rebounds off the bench. Wilt Chamberlain toned down his remarkable scoring exploits to concentrate on getting his talented team mates more involved and it paid off with the Sixers having one of the greatest seasons of all time and up to that point and maybe the greatest of all time. Wilt was 3rd in the league in assists at 7.8 per game. His scoring dropped from 33.5 ppg to 24.1 but he shot an astounding 68.3% from the floor and a whopping 24.2 rebounds per game. Wilt got the MVP award in this great Sixer year. The Sixers that year had 6 players averaging double figures in scoring with the lowest of those at 12.0 This team would be hard to beat in a series by any team from any season.

NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers 1966-67 NBA Champions and Magnificent All-Time Team #2
NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers 1966-67 NBA Champions and Magnificent All-Time Team #2 Wilt Chamberlain, Billy Cunningham, Bill Russell and Hal Greer
3-Boston Celtics 1985-86 67-15……Won NBA Title defeating the Houston Rockets in 6 games. This team was led by the incomparable Larry Bird a top 5 to 6 players of all-time. Bird that year led the team in scoring at 25.8 ppg and in assists as well at 6.8 per game and rebounds at 9.8! This team boasts 5 Hall of Fame players in Bird, Dennis Johnson, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish and Bill Walton!!! That's amazing. 4 of the 5 starters are Hall of Famers. Bill Walton of course was no longer in his prime but contributed mightily that whole season as well in the Playoffs. Kevin McHale had one of the best if not the best post game in NBA history. Dennis Johnson is one of the greatest defensive players of all-time also being named 6 times to the NBA 1st Team All Defensive Team from the guard position he was 2nd team 3 times. Kevin McHale was a 3 time 1st Team All Defensive team performer and 3 time 2nd team All Defense. Bill Walton was also a 2 time 1st Team All Defensive team performer and was one of the greatest rim protectors at the center position ever. Larry Bird was one of if not the best outside shooters of all-time and was the League MVP this year. 1 of truly fabulous teams in NBA Basketball history
Head Coach KC Jones
Starting Lineup:
G-Dennis “DJ” Johnson
G-Danny Ainge
C-Robert Parish
F-Larry Bird
F-Kevin McHale
4-Philadelphia 76ers 1982-83

5-Los Angeles Lakers 1972-73

6-Los Angeles Kobe-Shaq Lakers 1999-2000

Los Angeles Lakers 1982-83

Golden State Warriors 2016-17

Chicago Bulls 1996-97


Top 10 NBA Dunkers

Michael Jordan

Dominique Wilkins

Julius Irving

Vince Carter

Shawn Kemp

Kobe Bryant

Wilt Chamberlain


Continuing to add to work on this, will be back soon…..







Simplified Top 6 Steph Curry Shooting Tips for 2021

Key Steph Curry Shooting Tips

Steph Curry is one of the greatest shooters of a basketball that has ever lived. He is arguably the greatest shooter ever. He has just become the all time leading 3 point shooter in terms of amount of 3's made so it would help any basketball player to get the top 6 Steph Curry Shooting Tips. So here they are based on an article from Hunter Atkins of Forbes Magazine….

Insider Steph Curry Shooting Tips

And Now On To Your Top 6 Steph Curry Shooting Tips

1. Square Up the Lower Body With the Basket

“Everybody shoots differently,” Curry begins. Hall-of-Fame forward Rick Barry heaved free throws underhanded. Bulls Center Joakim Noah shoots with all of his fingers like he’s pushing the ball away. Even deadeye sharpshooter Reggie Miller clapped his wrists when releasing the ball. “I’m more like finesse, with a lot of touch,” Curry says. “But if you go waist down, it’s all the same.”

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Your dominant foot (i.e. the right foot if you’re right-handed) should be slightly in front of your other foot. The goal is to square up your lower body with the rim. “That means I’ve got 10 toes facing the basket,” Curry simply puts it. If your toes, hips and abdomen face the basket, the odds are better that you’ll shoot on target. “You can be a little off,” with the placement of your feet, he explains. “Technically, I kind of cheat a little bit and mine are just off-center, but they are both facing the same direction.”

2. Jump from a Strong Base

Even the leaping height of a jump shot varies for pros. Curry does not get so high off the ground as Ray Allen, for instance. The key with bending your knee is: “You want to have a strong base.” Bending too much or jumping too high can feel contrived, so find a comfortable motion that you can repeat on every shot. “They say, when most guys get tired and they start to miss, it’s because their legs are tired. You’re foundation is lost. As long as you have good foundation, good balance, your consistency, your accuracy, goes higher.”

3. Look at the Hooks

Looking at the rim is only the beginning of focusing your shot. Curry aligns his trajectory more exactly by staring at the hooks on the bottom of the rim that hold up the net. “There are always three that are facing you no matter where you are on the court,” he says. “That’s almost the width of the basketball.”

It is too difficult to spot the ball in the center of the hoop from long-range. The hooks, however, provide an exact, clear target for Curry to spot. “It also promotes better arc because I know I have to get it up in the air to get it on my target. That’s what your eyes are looking at.”

Curry says firing toward the back of the rim can ricochet the ball at a bad angle. He prefers trying to land the shot just over the top of those three hooks to increase the chance of a benevolent bounce or lucky roll.

4. Make a 90 Degree-Angle

When bringing up the ball, your forearm should be perpendicular to your biceps, creating a 90-degree angle at the elbow.

“You don’t want a chicken wing,” Curry cautions. You do not want your forearm skewed and elbow pointing outward.

5. Shoot With the Fingertips

You shoot the ball with your fingertips to release it with precision and control the spin. The ball will wobble if it rests in your palm. “It’s the same thing when you’re dribbling,” Curry reasons. “You don’t really dribble with the palm of your hand. You dribble with your fingertips because you have more control.”

Held up by your fingertips, the ball should be about a half-inch above your palm. “You don’t have to exaggerate it, just enough where you can have a little bit of daylight in there and see,” he says, literally peering from behind his hand to make sure light shines through.

6. Always Follow Through

As you extend your hand up on the shot, push hard with your fingertips and finish with them dangling in that classic gooseneck shape. This will dictate the arc of the jumper. “You want to hold your follow-through up to put good spin on the ball,” Curry says.

After the release, hold up your craned wrist and keep your hand in the follow through shape. Sure, this promotes good form. But Curry insists: “No matter if you make it or miss it, you always look good.”

Even Curry recognizes the importance of that.


What About The Vert Shock Scam? Or Is It The #1 Badass Jump Program In The World

CAN YOU DUNK?…If You Can't Do You Want To Learn How To?

Have you heard of the Vert Shock Scam?

vert shock scam

How important is it to be able dunk and even if you can dunk already can jumping higher take you to the next level. I have played basketball for a long time against some great players including top College and some NBA players. I can honestly tell you it is important to be able to dunk in todays game. You learn to get to the basket but once you there so many guys are there ready to finish off your goal of scoring. If you can dunk or at least play near the rim past the maze of extended hands and arms you can finish them off and frankly embarrass them at times while you are at it.

But how can you learn to jump higher that is the question that people ask me all of the time. I know that you watch College players and NBA games and wish you can do that. Of course you do and you may be able to do that if you find out how. Dunking isn't the only skill that need to learn to be a big time player but it can surely help. I know the other skills that you need to develop and I will share these with you also….

How Do You Improve Your Vertical Jump: Is Vert Shock The Answer?

Vert Shock Scam?

Whether you can touch the rim and want to take your vertical to the next level so you can dunk, or if you just want a better vertical to improve your game the answer may lie in the Vert Shock Program.

Vert Shock is a vertical jumping program that was created by Adam Folker, a former Division I Collegiate basketball player with UC Irvine and who has also played overseas in the Czech Republic with Mattoni NBL. Adam also worked in conjunction with one of the world’s greatest prize-winning dunk artists, Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington. Justin is an insanely remarkable high flying dunker. Take a look at some of his remarkable high flying exploits in the clip below. You will be astonished to say the least!


Adam Folker with Kobe Bryant

How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use plyometric workouts at 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!

Plenty Of Testimonials Are Available

There are a ton of testimonials that show the positive results that users of the Vert Shock program have achieved. While I’m always a bit weary of testimonials in general, I think you’ll see that most if not all of these testimonials for Vert Shock are authentic. Click below for one of them


Click here for tons more testimonials


Vert Shock Explained

As mentioned earlier, Vert Shock was created by Adam Folker and Jus Fly Darlington as a systematic means for anyone to improve their vertical jumping ability by up to 9 to 15 inches. Within the program there are three main sections: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock. Each of these phases has a specific goal and purpose all of which are designed to help you reach your vertical jumping goals.

There are many valuable bonus materials that Adam includes with your Vert Shock purchase and also includes key tips on things that can hurt your vertical. They also is an advanced vertical training workout sheet that can be used after you complete the 8-week Vert Shock program.

The advanced vertical training workout does require gym equipment and you’ll likely need to go to the gym to perform the exercises but you don't need the advance program for the 9-15 inch increase.

3 Phases Of Vert Shock

Phase 1: Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock really gets you moving forward as you’ll be doing many of the exercises that you’ll get familiar with over the 8-week period. The goal of Pre-Shock is to begin building your fast-twitch muscle fibers while minimizing the risk of injury while your body adapts to the volume of jumping and explosive movements.

Another goal of the Pre-Shock phase is to build your core, which if yours has been neglected will be an important factor in creating a higher vertical jump. You will be working out six of seven days during the Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock.

After this week you may find that you have added a couple inches to your vertical, which is pretty damn cool for just one week of work.

Phase 2: Shock Phase

This phase is the bulk of and toughest phase of the Vert Shock program. The Shock Phase consists of 6 weeks of workouts that follow a regimented format. For the most part you will have 4 to 5 days of working out and 2 or so days of recovery and rest time. To see optimum results you should follow the program to the tea. Follow the program and do not workout on your recovery rest and recovery days. Sore and fatigued muscles require rest so that they can rebuild and become stronger.

We have found that the main focus of the plyometric exercises is to do each one with maximum explosiveness. Go all out every time. This is why the Vert Shock program gives you ample rest between sets. They want you to be fully recovered so you can give the next set everything you have.

In the 4th and 8th week you will do vertical tests to see your increases. We recommend not testing it more than this or you can become discouraged if you don’t see the results that you are hoping for immediately. The results will come if you follow the proven program and work as hard you can when you are to workout.

Phase 3: Post-Shock

The final phase of the Vert Shock program is the Post-Shock phase. This phase is extremely intense also as you will be working out 6 of 7 days during this 1 week long phase.

By this point you should be much stronger and explosive in your core and lower body after having completed 7 weeks of Vert Shock training

Post-Shock will tax you so that when you have recovered you will see the maximum amount of increase in your vertical leap.

Vert Shock Conclusions

Vert Shock is an extremely intense 8 week jumping program that can absolutely increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches. Most regimented jumping programs like BoingVert take longer than this and are quite as successful or concise in it's programming.

Get Vert Shock below at more than 50% off at $67 instead of $138