What If A Girl Could Dunk?: You Will Absolutely Be The 1

The Great Female Basketball Game

Women's basketball is great to watch as they play the game “the right way”. Most female basketball players seem to have the basic fundamentals of the game down to a tee and is a thing of art to witness especially at High levels of play. But what if a girl could dunk? Well the fact of the matter is that it would give that player a decided advantage over her competitors. The other fact is that some women can dunk the basketball and some women have actually dunked in real games!!!

What if a girl could dunk

I Can Show Female Players How To Dunk

There are many exercises that can help you to be able to dunk such as….

1. Lateral Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, pivot and jump

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

4. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

5. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

While they are nice exercises they are not proven to do the trick and add very much to your vertical jump. I have a proven system to increase your vertical jump.

Vert Shock Works And Answers: What If A Girl Could Dunk!

What on earth is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system designed first and foremost to increase your vertical jump. It was developed by Adam Folker a former Collegiate basketball player at UC Irvine and then he played professionally overseas in The Czech Republic

Vert Shock FreeShown here in memory of The Black Mamba Kobe Bryant


Vert Shock Free
Jus Fly with LeBron James, Diana Taurasi and Anthony Davis

He had help in his creation with one of the world’s greatest and most decorated dunkers Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington shown above after another dunk championship with the GOAT of Women's basketball Diana Taurasi and LeBron and Anthony Davis.

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity plyometrics exercises done in a way that targets your fast-twitch or Type-2 muscles

The goal is to stimulate these muscles to fire extremely fast and get them to be more involved in jumping so you can jump higher, quicker, with more explosive power.

First dunk in the history of the WNBA by the great Lisa Leslie, in 2002.

How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use those plyometric workouts at a 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!


Vert Shock Works in Phases: The 3 Phases Of Vert Shock

Phase 1: Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock really gets you moving forward as you’ll be doing many of the exercises that you’ll get familiar with over the 8-week period. The goal of Pre-Shock is to begin building your fast-twitch muscle fibers while minimizing the risk of injury while your body adapts to the volume of jumping and explosive movements.

Another goal of the Pre-Shock phase is to build your core, which if yours has been neglected will be an important factor in creating a higher vertical jump. You will be working out six of seven days during the Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock.

After this week you may find that you have added a couple inches to your vertical, which is pretty damn cool for just one week of work.

Phase 2: Shock Phase

This phase is the bulk of and toughest phase of the Vert Shock program. The Shock Phase consists of 6 weeks of workouts that follow a regimented format. For the most part you will have 4 to 5 days of working out and 2 or so days of recovery and rest time. To see optimum results you should follow the program to the tea. Follow the program and do not workout on your recovery rest and recovery days. Sore and fatigued muscles require rest so that they can rebuild and become stronger.

We have found that the main focus of the plyometric exercises is to do each one with maximum explosiveness. Go all out every time. This is why the Vert Shock program gives you ample rest between sets. They want you to be fully recovered so you can give the next set everything you have.

In the 4th and 8th week you will do vertical tests to see your increases. We recommend not testing it more than this or you can become discouraged if you don’t see the results that you are hoping for immediately. The results will come if you follow the proven program and work as hard you can when you are to workout.

Phase 3: Post-Shock

The final phase of the Vert Shock program is the Post-Shock phase. This phase is extremely intense also as you will be working out 6 of 7 days during this 1 week long phase.

By this point you should be much stronger and explosive in your core and lower body after having completed 7 weeks of Vert Shock training

Post-Shock will tax you so that when you have recovered you will see the maximum amount of increase in your vertical leap.

Vert Shock Conclusions

Vert Shock is an extremely intense 8 week jumping program that can absolutely increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches. Most regimented jumping programs like BoingVert take longer than this and are quite as successful or concise in it's programming.

So What If A Girl Could Dunk?

It will of course separate you from most of the competition just by the optics. But even if you don't dunk in the game you will be playing at an elevated level and closer to the rim which obviously gives you a distinct advantage. Also the explosive strength and power and speed that you gain from this intense system will give you a big advantage also.

You be the one!!! Take your game to the next level and while you're at it dunk on somebody, maybe even a guy! Click below and get Vert Shock at 50% and be like Diana!

Vert Shock for $67 more than 50% off of the normal $138


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