What Is The Revolutionary Best-selling #1 and Best Vertical Jump Training Program?

What Is The Best Vertical Jump Training Program Ever Created?

Without question the ability to jump higher is a big advantage to any athlete and especially in the game of basketball. You can do a lot of drills that may increase your jumping ability. The best way however is to use a proven training system. So what is the best vertical jump training program available? And what exercises can you actually try without a proven system.

Theories To Help Increase Your Vertical Jump

There are numerous training exercises to increase your vertical jump including plyometrics which consist of quick, explosive movements designed to increase speed and power. Drills that help you jump higher maximize muscle contraction by strengthening those fast-twitch muscle fibers which convert explosive power into speed into speed explosive jumping ability.

When an athlete can increase the strength of the tendons they not only help with reducing injury but also create more explosiveness.

Best vertical jump training program

Exercises To Help Increase Your Jumping Ability

Below are a few great drills to increase your vertical jump and to be a more explosive athlete. These drills can be used to increase an athlete's vertical jump for basketball as well any many other sports like football or volleyball.

1. Lateral Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, pivot and jump

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

4. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

5. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

6. 180 Jumps

This drill will help with landing coordination as well as develop explosive leg power.

Jump training drills and plyometrics require no equipment and can be done just about anywhere. These drills can easily be implemented into any training regiment. If you want to find more drills check out the VertiMax App which includes drills for every sport.

The Answer To The Best Vertical Jump Training Program

There are many jump training systems out there like The Jump Manual, BoingVert and others. We believe that the number 1 jump system is Vert Shock! So what in the world is Vert Shock and who created it?

What Is Vert Shock?: The Best Vertical Jump Training Program

Vert Shock is a revolutionary jumping program created by former collegiate and Professional basketball player Adam Folker and an assist from legendary World Wide Dunk Champion Justin “Jus Fly” Davenport. Both are seen below.

Adam Folker







Jus Fly Darlington



How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use plyometric workouts at 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!

How Much Does Vert Shock Cost?

Get Vert Shock Now For 50% Off $67 instead of $134