Vert Shock Scam Warning!!! Get Your Vert Shock Free Pdf Download 1st Before You Buy

Vert Shock The Truth

Is Vert Shock the real deal in helping someone to jump higher? First of all what in the heck is Vert Shock and why would I want a Vert Shock free pdf download?

It's a relatively new vertical jump improvement program and Vert Shock is getting a lot of attention from tons of basketball players and other athletes.


They say it can increase your vertical by 9-15 inches within the course of just 8 weeks.

Sounds too good to be true I know.

But is it possible that this may actually be legitimate? Before I offer you your free Vert Shock download click here for dozens of Testimonials

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Look At This Insane Video Review Narrated By Josh From The Jump Manual Blog



  • You may be a good basketball player but….CAN YOU DUNK? There are a lot of facets to becoming a really good to great basketball player.

  • You have to have really good basic fundamentals.

  • You have be able to shoot

  • You have to be able to dribble and pass

  • And play defense

  • But if you can dunk you are now on par with some of the the best ball players in your area and set yourself apart from many others. Put all of that together and you are a Badass!!! I know I played Division I basketball and yes I could dunk and it is a massive advantage to add to your repertoire

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system created to greatly increase your vertical jump. To the tune of 9-15 inches. Can you imagine adding that much to your Vertical Jump? You would immediately turn into an animal and add that to your other basketball skills

Vert Shock was developed by Professional basketball player Adam Folker, and one of the world’s highest and most decorated dunkers, Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington.

Adam Folker pictured here with the Late and Incredibly Great Kobe Bryant


Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington pictured here with LeBron, Anthony Davis and The Greatest Women's Basketball Player of All-Time Diana Taurasi


Watch This Absurd Video Of Co-Developer Jus Fly Darlington



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Vert Shock Free PDF Download

How Is Vert Shock Structured?

The Three Stages

As we already mentioned, the length of this course is 8 weeks. Those eight weeks are broken down into three different phases or stages called:

  • Pre-Shock
  • Shock
  • Post-Shock

The Pre-Shock Stage

Stage One, or also known as the “Pre-Shock” stage happens during the first of these eight weeks. It is designed to prepare your body of what lies ahead. There are tons of plyometric exercises in this stage that will be repeated again and again in the next 7 weeks. Going through most reviews, we saw that during just this stage, people have gained at least a few inches of vertical jump. We didn’t see any significant result but one member of our team said he got 4 inches measured in his track book which was incredible already.

This first week might seem like the hardest to you but going through it properly ensures a successful run until the end of the program. It isn’t the most intensive but since these workouts will be new to your body, you would find them extremely difficult at first.

The Shock Stage

This stage is where the actual exercises begin and is the biggest part of this eight weeks course. It is super intense and very crucial to the effect you will get from Vert Shock. If you have gotten through the first stage, at this point you will be used to feeling tired and your legs hurting. The good thing is that your body will start adjusting during this stage and you will find yourself craving for more of these workouts pretty soon, trust us.

The main goal of this stage is for your fast twitch muscles to learn to explode through various plyometric and strengthening exercises. As soon as they start generating a lot of concentrated power, your legs will be able to propel you way easier into the air. By the end of this stage you should have around 10 inches of vertical (our guy had 13). Less than that will mean that you skipped classes, while more than that will mean that you are a natural at jumping and your muscle fibers are tuned to such kind of exercises genetically.


For the best shooting drills which will take your accuracy and concentration to the next level click here.

The Post-Shock Stage

This is the stage that lets your body rest and allows your muscles to recover. Everything here is geared towards activating the muscle memory you obtained during the past 2 months. Every hour of work you put into this now your body has to instantly recognize when repeated and react in the way you want it to. This stage is one week long and it’s main goal is to test your vertical and make sure it’s height is consistent in 100 out of 100 jumps.

You will start feeling lighter and even excited from the fact that your legs can take you to new heights now. There are only 4 workouts in this week with a sum of 2 hours in total. The elastic fibers in your thighs will feel as if you’ve lost 20 pounds of weight in those two months.