Category: Jump Training

What If A Girl Could Dunk?: You Will Absolutely Be The 1

The Great Female Basketball Game

Women's basketball is great to watch as they play the game “the right way”. Most female basketball players seem to have the basic fundamentals of the game down to a tee and is a thing of art to witness especially at High levels of play. But what if a girl could dunk? Well the fact of the matter is that it would give that player a decided advantage over her competitors. The other fact is that some women can dunk the basketball and some women have actually dunked in real games!!!

What if a girl could dunk

I Can Show Female Players How To Dunk

There are many exercises that can help you to be able to dunk such as….

1. Lateral Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, pivot and jump

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

4. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

5. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

While they are nice exercises they are not proven to do the trick and add very much to your vertical jump. I have a proven system to increase your vertical jump.

Vert Shock Works And Answers: What If A Girl Could Dunk!

What on earth is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system designed first and foremost to increase your vertical jump. It was developed by Adam Folker a former Collegiate basketball player at UC Irvine and then he played professionally overseas in The Czech Republic

Vert Shock FreeShown here in memory of The Black Mamba Kobe Bryant


Vert Shock Free
Jus Fly with LeBron James, Diana Taurasi and Anthony Davis

He had help in his creation with one of the world’s greatest and most decorated dunkers Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington shown above after another dunk championship with the GOAT of Women's basketball Diana Taurasi and LeBron and Anthony Davis.

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity plyometrics exercises done in a way that targets your fast-twitch or Type-2 muscles

The goal is to stimulate these muscles to fire extremely fast and get them to be more involved in jumping so you can jump higher, quicker, with more explosive power.

First dunk in the history of the WNBA by the great Lisa Leslie, in 2002.

How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use those plyometric workouts at a 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!


Vert Shock Works in Phases: The 3 Phases Of Vert Shock

Phase 1: Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock really gets you moving forward as you’ll be doing many of the exercises that you’ll get familiar with over the 8-week period. The goal of Pre-Shock is to begin building your fast-twitch muscle fibers while minimizing the risk of injury while your body adapts to the volume of jumping and explosive movements.

Another goal of the Pre-Shock phase is to build your core, which if yours has been neglected will be an important factor in creating a higher vertical jump. You will be working out six of seven days during the Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock.

After this week you may find that you have added a couple inches to your vertical, which is pretty damn cool for just one week of work.

Phase 2: Shock Phase

This phase is the bulk of and toughest phase of the Vert Shock program. The Shock Phase consists of 6 weeks of workouts that follow a regimented format. For the most part you will have 4 to 5 days of working out and 2 or so days of recovery and rest time. To see optimum results you should follow the program to the tea. Follow the program and do not workout on your recovery rest and recovery days. Sore and fatigued muscles require rest so that they can rebuild and become stronger.

We have found that the main focus of the plyometric exercises is to do each one with maximum explosiveness. Go all out every time. This is why the Vert Shock program gives you ample rest between sets. They want you to be fully recovered so you can give the next set everything you have.

In the 4th and 8th week you will do vertical tests to see your increases. We recommend not testing it more than this or you can become discouraged if you don’t see the results that you are hoping for immediately. The results will come if you follow the proven program and work as hard you can when you are to workout.

Phase 3: Post-Shock

The final phase of the Vert Shock program is the Post-Shock phase. This phase is extremely intense also as you will be working out 6 of 7 days during this 1 week long phase.

By this point you should be much stronger and explosive in your core and lower body after having completed 7 weeks of Vert Shock training

Post-Shock will tax you so that when you have recovered you will see the maximum amount of increase in your vertical leap.

Vert Shock Conclusions

Vert Shock is an extremely intense 8 week jumping program that can absolutely increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches. Most regimented jumping programs like BoingVert take longer than this and are quite as successful or concise in it's programming.

So What If A Girl Could Dunk?

It will of course separate you from most of the competition just by the optics. But even if you don't dunk in the game you will be playing at an elevated level and closer to the rim which obviously gives you a distinct advantage. Also the explosive strength and power and speed that you gain from this intense system will give you a big advantage also.

You be the one!!! Take your game to the next level and while you're at it dunk on somebody, maybe even a guy! Click below and get Vert Shock at 50% and be like Diana!

Vert Shock for $67 more than 50% off of the normal $138


Click Here For Tons Of Testimonials

Your Vert Shock Free PDF Download And Find Out Why It’s #1

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert shock is the #1 vertical jump workout program that is available to you today.

Can you get Vert Shock Free? You can get a starter Vert Shock pdf by clicking HERE

Vert Shock is a training system designed to dynamically increase your vertical jump.


What Is The System Trying To Attack?

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity advanced plyometrics done specifically in a way that maximizes the neurological response from a certain group of muscles…

These are your Type-II muscle fibers, aka the fast-twitch muscles

Fast-twitch muscles are ones you need to activate to be an explosive, powerful athlete and a Badass dunk machine

How Much Can You Increase Your Jump?

It can increase your jump from 9-15 inches. That will be the difference in any basketball game that you are involved in. Think about it, if you are 6′ 1″ tall and you have average length arms and you extend your arms over your head it's about a little over 2 feet more or 24 inches more. For most people it's more like 28 inches so that equals 101 inches or 9′ 5″ 7 inches short of 10 feet the height of a basketball rim. So what all that means is that if you are 6′ 1″ with your arms straight vertical you only need a 28 inch vertical leap to just touch the rim. You will need about 4 more inches or so to get the ball over the rim to get it down that's about a 32 inch vertical so you are close. Imagine adding those 9-15 inches to your jump and making it 41 to 45 to be throwing down on people's heads.

Who Discovered The Vert Shock System?

Vert Shock was developed by Collegiate and Pro basketball player Adam Folker and one of the world’s greatest prize-winning dunk artists, Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington. Justin is an insanely remarkable high flying dunker. Take a look at some of his remarkable high flying exploits in the clip below. You will be astonished to say the least!


Click Here To Get Your Free Vert Shock PDF Download


Get Vert Shock Free and see if you can increase your vertical Get Vert Shock Free and see if you can increase your vertical





Click In This Picture For Real Life Testimonials


How Long Will It Take Vert Shock to Work For You?

Vert Shock is a very intense 8 week program. Jus t 8 weeks of your time and effort to not just increase your jump but by increasing your jump you can greatly enhance your chances of being much better if not great at basketball. Of course this is just one phase of the game. You will need to improve your shooting, dribbling, passing and rebounding skills to be a great player. We will talk about all of this in the coming articles. But for now concentrate on the increase of your vertical leap.


Be Like Mike

Just think about the advantage you will have on other players by playing near the rim which is critical in todays game. You see how all of those guys play near the rim. Why can't you be playing there too? All you have to do is put the time (8 weeks) in and the concentrated effort.

Don't play around with your chances in making big in the game that you love. Be like Mike or Jus Fly Darlington!

How Much Will Vert Shock Cost You?

How much is it worth to you become a badass high flyer? Not as much as you would think for a program like this and not as much as it is in some places. Look below to get your incredible discount to get the program that will super-charge your athleticism and explosiveness.


Vert Shock Pricing

Click On The Picture Below To Get Your Full Vert Shock Program At 50% Off. Vert Shock Is Normally $134 But You Can Get It Here At %50 Off Full Price If You Act Soon!!! Get Your Jumping Game Up Where It Can Be

Vert Shock: AMAZING WARNING #1!!! Is Vert Shock For Real?

Top Reasons Why Vert Shock Is The Number 1 Vertical Jump Training Program

1. Vert Shock Flat Out Works

The only reason you are even interested is because you are curious if Vert Shock works. We can flat out YES Vert Shock works!

After running through the program just once, we gained 10+ inches on our vertical jump. So yes, although the testimonials for Vert Shock might seem overblown, the program works!

2. You Don't Need A Gym!

The second big reason why we love Vert Shock is because Vert Shock does not require a gym! This is great news for younger athletes who don’t have access to a gym.

What this means is that Vert Shock can be done at a park and even at home. It makes it super easy and convenient and now there’s no excuse not to jump higher.

3. Great Format From The Videos To The Audios

Vert Shock has some of the best instructional videos I have seen for an online course with incredible videos and audio. When you buy Vert Shock you are not buying cheap bad quality videos that require you to sit and watch hour long videos just to understand the principles, with Vert Shock they don't give you a brain hernia to understand it right away nor are there tough complicated concepts to learn.
All you have to do is watch the videos and listen to the audios once to learn how to do exercises and then you can get right after it. Start on your 8 week journey to increasing your jump dramatically. That's correct just 8 weeks of intense training to accomplish your dream of being a badass skywalker.

4. You Have To Finally Put Up Or Shut Up

Before I finally decided to Vert Shock I spent countless hours looking and trying free jump programs and tried to create my own programs but none of them ever really worked. The reason why was because I had nothing really pushing me. It was the paying out of my own pocket for something that I really believed in that drove me to the next level.
After I got Vert Shock I took the training seriously and followed the program like they were a cult and did everything I could to make sure I was going to jump higher. When I bought Vert Shock I saw it as losing money, so if I did not perform and see results it would all be money wasted so I made sure I got my money’s worth. In the end it all paid off and still today see the purchase of Vert Shock as one of the most incredible investments in my life and the same thing can happen for you if you give it a shot.

5. Get Serious About Jumping Higher

If you are truly serious about increasing your vertical you need to give Vert Shock a shot. If you go for it you can increase your jump from 9-15 inches in 8 weeks. To me I don't have any idea why you wouldn't go for it. It is a true no-brainer to be dunking the ball on folks heads and greatly improving your basketball game and yes taking your game to the next level!

What is the Vert Shock Pro Program?

Before we start this Vert Shock review, let me explain what Vert Shock is and who put the incredible program together.

The Vert Shock program is created by Adam Folker, former Division 1 basketball player at UC Irvine and Professional player overseas and Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, a RIDICULOUS dunker with an absolutely insane 53’’ vertical. That's 8 more inches than the GOAT Michael Jordan

Videos To Help You Understand The Program Founders

Here are two videos for you to watch giving you some background on the 2 Founders.

The first one is from Adam and Justin where they give a glimpse of their basketball and dunking backgrounds. They also go over how they made Vert Shock different from the other jump programs.

The second video showcases some of Justin’s insanely amazing dunks. You can see for yourself how incredible Justin's dunking abilities are!

Giving It A Shot

Before finding out about Vert Shock I had no idea who these guys were. But after digging deeper into their histories I think you can safely say that they know at least a little bit about the science of vertical jumping. This was not however the thing that put me over the top with this program they just had my respect at that point but I was not ready to crown them yet and purchase the program yet. In the end, what really put me over the top was their 60-day money back guarantee. They promise to give your money back if you don't see results in 60-days (remember it's an 8 week program). That was enough for me.

An explanation of “Why Vert Shock Works” from Adam and Justin

explanation for why vert shock works

Vert Shock Is Easy To Buy And Easy To Get Started Working The System

When you go to buy Vert Shock, you will be encountered with many up-sells to other programs that they offer. We realize that you might not be too interested in their other programs yet, so to keep the process as seamless as possible without all the other promotional offers I am offering you a link to go straight in and get you the program without the up-sells.


Click Below To Get Straight to the Vert Shock Jump Program>>


Overall the buying process is cool but could be better and could be much better if they did not try to sell on their other programs.

Despite that one drawback mentioned earlier, the purchase was quickly confirmed and the follow-up email was fast. You receive Vert Shock login information and will be ready to begin the program in a few short minutes!!!

The Program

The course layout and the website itself are made put together extremely well and are very impressive. I like you probably have purchased other online courses before and Vert Shock is one of the better ones in terms of design and ease of use.


The navigation bar makes it easy and intuitive to move from section to section and everything is clearly labeled. Each section has a video and below each video are messages from Adam and Justin where they explain the section and the expectations for each workout. I think small details like this show that Adam and Justin care about their students’ success and results and it shows that they’ve put time into this program.

Easy Video Navigation

When you’re ready to start the program, you can easily access each of Vert Shock’s workouts through the navigation bar. Clicking on any one of “Phase” tabs will lead you to one of Vert Shock’s workout plans. And if you click on the “Exercise videos” tab, that is where you’ll find the instructional videos. This means that there’s no guesswork or research needed, all you need to do is watch the videos and start working out. The videos are quick and straight to the point. Instead of spending all day watching and learning, you will be spending time increasing your vertical!

Mobile Friendly

To make things even easier, Adam and Justin made the workout programs mobile accessible. This is awesome of course as that means you can bring all the exercises and videos along with you wherever you go. You won't have to watch the exercises only at home and try to remember how to do them when you’re at the gym or at park or wherever you choose to train. All you'll have to do is bring it up on your cell phone and you’re ready to roll!

Vert Shock Program Home page
Vert Shock Homepage

The Vert Shock Phases

1.Pre Shock Phase

This is the first phase that you will do in the 8-week program. Do not let the name fool you, however, this Pre Shock Phase was not easy at all! You will have 6 workouts in the week and you get one rest day. The pattern here is 3 workouts, then rest, then more 3 workouts. Below are some of the exercises you will be performing. The workouts averaged about 13 sets a day with a range of 4-6 exercises excluding the warm up and cool down (Don’t skip out on warming up and cooling down for knee injury prevention purposes!). It involved a lot more than just jumping, it also makes you work on your core which is often an overlooked component to jumping higher(it’s actually more important than you probably think!)

Notes On The Pre-Shock Phase

Yes it is a vey intense week. The Pre-Shock phase introduces you to a variety of new exercises that are very challenging to your jumping abilities but also your balance, coordination, and core.

The workouts should take not much more than 45 minutes to complete, this excludes the warm up and cool down which make the total workout time no longer than an hour and a half to complete. By the end of the pre-shock phase your body will be shocked right to the core. After this phase you will already begin to feel quicker and more explosive.

It will be challenging and you should listen to your body and maybe give yourself a day or 2 to rest before moving on to the next phase. It's a tough balance between “no pain no gain” and keeping yourself healthy and not having a set back to your soon to come increased leaping abilities.

2.The Shock Phase

The Shock Phase is 6 weeks long. You will be working out 5-6 days a week, performing 4-6 exercises every day. Again, these exercises will definitely challenge your jumping ability, coordination, balance, strength, and core.

Shock Phase Notes

You could become a little overwhelmed when you first see the amount of days you'll need to commit for the next 6 weeks. In the end it's really not too bad.

It’s important to note that Vert Shock can promise such insane results in such a short amount of time because of the intense nature of the training. At times you might like you are being trained to compete some vertical jump competition. At this point in the phase all you should be focusing on is completing each workout with maximum effort, eating right and resting. If you can do that for this 6-week section of the training you will likely be seeing impressive gains in your jump, strength and explosiveness.

Vert Shock Is Much More Than A Great Jump Program

Vert Shock is such an incredible vertical jump program because of the variety of exercises that are incorporated into it. You’re not jumping sometimes 4-6 days of the week. You’re working out your core, your coordination, power and balance all attributes that every great athlete, basketball player and dunker possess.

You Have To Do The Work

After this phase, we knew that Vert Shock wasn’t a gimmick, it’s the real deal. This training is designed to help most athletes become the explosive beasts that they want to become. We say it can help “most athletes” because not everyone who buys this program will put in the required effort it takes to get the most out of Vert Shock, but those who are willing are the ones who will really benefit from this vertical jump program.
Overall the attention given to detail in this jump program is what makes Vert Shock so intriguing to athletes around the world in the end so successful. It’s easy to see that Adam and Justin created this program not only to help people jump higher but also to help clients to grow into the best athletes that they can be. Jumping higher is a huge part of becoming a supreme athlete.

3.Post Shock Phase

The Post Shock Phase is the final stretch of this program. It is designed to give you the final push to reaching your vertical jump goals. This week is very intense and only has one rest day. At this point you would have done close to 35 workouts in the past 7 weeks. The best advice here would be to stretch, warm up, rest well and keep up your eating. You need to be in top shape so you can go all out.

Thoughts on the Post Shock Phase

At this point you may be very tired but very should feel very impressed with and proud of yourself. You will feel very powerful and explosive. At the Post-shock phase you are really going to have dig down deep and like my father always said “you have to have a burning desire” You have wanna be great and adding 9-15 inches your vertical will help you towards becoming a great athlete and basketball player. And by finishing this program you will improve your will. Don't forget you really need to stretch and warm up well along with cooling down to really get the best out of this program.

Is Vert Shock Legit? Or is Vert Shock a Scam?

Vert Shock is definitely as legit as it can be. All through this Vert Shock review I've told you a lot about why we like this jump program over any other. Whether you like or dislike this program you can not deny the results. It works and you improve your vertical jump dramatically. It is geared to increase your jump as I have told you they promote 9-15 inch gains

If you’re interested in increasing your vertical by 9-15 inches then this program can help you achieve that goal. What makes this jump program so potent is the consistency and intensity of each workout. On average you will be working out 5 to 6 days a week, with each work out specifically tailored to increase your vertical jump. Each exercise has been chosen because of its effectiveness in improving an athlete’s explosive ability, so you can rest assured that you will see good results as long as you work hard and consistently.

Big Results Do Call For Hard Work!

This went for Michael Jordan, The Late and insanely great Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird and the same goes for you. You have to want it and “You've got to have a burning desire”

The program is simple and easy to follow and is accessible anywhere! You can download the workouts on your phone, print them, or view them on your desktop. Since every work out is already made from the sets and reps to the rest intervals, all you have to think about is performing each workout with your best effort and intensity. There’s probably no easier method to increase your vertical jump right now. Vert Shock really is a step by step guide for anyone looking to increase their jumping abilities.

Vert Shock Is Your Kickass Formula For Badass Leaping Improvement!!!

Vert Shock is not easy and it will have you exhausted if you are not eating, sleeping, stretching, and hydrating properly. Vert Shock could probably benefit from having more rest days but since it’s developed to increase your vertical jump immensely in just 8 weeks it had to be designed this way.

Good Luck and get that vertical up!!!

Click The Picture Below To Get Vert Shock Hassle Free And At 50% Off




BoingVert Review: Is This Interesting #1 Jump Training Right For You?

Questions About BoingVert

Is BoingVert real?

Is this jump training the one for you?

Does BoingVert really work?

Is it better than Vert Shock?

Will it make you make you dunk like a badass?

These are some of the questions that people are asking all over the Internet

It’s time to answer these questions and let you really find out to improve your game

Find out if the buzz behind BoingVert is true and find out if it can really add 12+ inches to your vertical jump in 6 months

Check it out as I review of one of the hottest vertical jump programs on the market.

Why BoingVert?

BoingVert is one of very intriguing players in the vertical jump world.

There are thousands of people on YouTube and on social media that claim to have had tremendous success with this program…..

There is very little concrete information on what BoingVert is actually all about.

While other popular programs such as Vert Shock or The Jump Manual are pretty forthcoming about their fundamental principles and have plenty of comprehensive reviews. BoingVert doesn't have anywhere close to as as much information on it as these two.

There is little more than a few sentences and a few testimonials….

Not very helpful when trying to decide if it’s worth investing your hard earned money in.

Furthermore, the salesy ads that run on many basketball videos on YouTube make big promises, but provide almost no tangible information on how the program actually works

boingvert jump training

#1 for being the most mysterious vertical jump training program online.

Still, while most of the big fish in the vertical jump community swear by Vert Shock and The Jump Manual as the two programs that bring the best results the tremendous number of people who’ve tried BoingVert and succeeded warrants a thorough investigation.

Seeing that there’s really almost no reviews of the program online, I decided the only way to clear the mystery was to buy the program myself and see what’s hidden behind the curtain.

BoingVert comes with the Lifetime Package ($80) which contains the Animal + Monster programs along with a few other perks that come with it.


What Is BoingVert & How Does It Work?

BoingVert is a vertical jump training program that promises to dramatically increase your vertical leap by using a combination of two jump programs – a plyometric-only ‘Animal’ program, and a more strength oriented Monster program.

The Animal Program lasts around 16 weeks, while the Monster Program is an additional 11 weeks.

You are also recommended to take at least 2-3 weeks off between the two in order to maximize results and allow your body to fully recover.

The Animal part of BoingVert focuses exclusively on plyometric and body-weight exercises.

The only equipment that you will need is a bench.

You can do all the exercises at home.

One of the first things you'll want to do is read through the Animal Philosophy manual…

It’s a 32-page eBook that goes through the background of the program, key factors to jumping higher, and a general breakdown of what the program is about.

The eBook discusses some of the key fundamentals of vertical jumping like landing, absorption, core strength, and cool-down.

It also talks about a few other aspects that are not as emphasized in other programs…

Things like choosing the right footwear and the importance of training surface, etc..

After going through the big picture information in the eBook, you can jump right into the nuts and bolts of the program, which is the Animal Workout Log.

It lays out the phases of the program and outlines the workouts for each day of the entire 16 weeks.

The Animal Program is made up of six phases that are 2-3 weeks long each.

Here are those phases with a short description:

1. General Body Preparation

During this phase, you will be doing exercises that will prepare your body for the stress it’s going to endure over the following stages.

It focuses on improving stability and skeletal strength so that you can perform the compound exercises safely.

2. Jump Mastery

In this phase, you will learn about the correct movement patterns that ultimately determine your jumping ceiling.

Your muscles will learn to be in complete synergy so that your entire body is working toward jumping higher.

3. Force Absorption

In the third phase of the Animal Program, the exercises will focus on the ability to absorb and rapidly stabilize the tremendous amounts of force that jumping entails.

According to the program’s author, learning to absorb force is a key element of being able to generate explosiveness.

4. Jump Acceleration

The fourth phase will build on the previous phases that emphasized stability and force absorption.

It will help you improve your jumping acceleration through increased rate of force development.

5. Reactive Emphasis

In the fifth phase, the program develops reactive strength, which is basically your ability to start, stop, and change direction while jumping.

This phase is one of the most difficult phases of the program and it’ll push your body to the limit through intense plyometric exercises.

6. Jump Mastery

The final phase will be a bit similar to phase two and will revolve around improving jumping technique and efficiency.

It will help you maximize the gains that you attained in the previous weeks, as well as help you jump and land safely to prevent injuries.

During these six phases, you should expect to be training 2-4 times per week, depending on the phase you’re at.

The program is extremely demanding, as some weeks have exceedingly heavy workloads.

While the exercises in the Animal Program don’t use weights or a gym the intensity and number of reps make it tough to follow and hard to keep up with physically especially if you do the program during basketball season.

If you’re looking for a program that offers a better balance between workload and results, you should be very interested in checking out Vert Shock instead.

The BoingVert Monster Program

The Monster Program was designed in collaboration with Kelly Baggett.

It builds on the Animal Program by introducing strength-based training to maximize your vertical.

It contains four phases that span out over a period of 11 weeks.

Here’s a short description of each:

1. Adaptation and Activation

The first phase of the Monster Program will prepare your body for the rigorous weight training that follows by gradually working your muscles and getting them used to new movements with weight resistance.

2. General Strength

The second phase starts to build on some basic weight room exercises and develop a foundation of strength which will be the basis of your next training.

3. Max Strength and Power

In the third phase, once you have become comfortable with strength training exercises, you will begin combining strength movements with plyometric movements.

This will be the most intense phase of the Monster Program, but it will also be the most rewarding one.

Monster preview

4. Max Power

The final phase of the Monster Program is where you can expect to see the most gains

The intensity and volume of the exercises become lighter, and your body will begin to take advantage of the increased strength.

Throughout the Monster Program, you will be training three times per week, but the intensity and focus of the exercises will differ significantly in each phase.

There’s not a lot of info behind the individual exercises of the Monster Program, but if you simply want to follow the steps, it’s all laid out pretty clearly…

The workout log is pretty uncomplicated and the videos are easy enough to follow along and seems to be a suitable jump training program.

BoingVert Final Thoughts

Boingvert Pros

Comprehensive Philosophy

When reading the Animal Philosophy Manual it is clear that Shawn Myszka is a complete expert.

He approaches vertical training from all angles and gives you the full picture of what techniques will be used to maximize your jumping ability.

Some of the stuff he talks about wasn’t even on The Jump Manual, which is considered by many to be the most comprehensive vertical jump training program.

Touches on Subjects Few Other Programs Do

BoingVert gives you insights on jumping form in a way that is much more detailed.

It goes in-depth into areas such as choosing the right footwear, what training surface works best, learning to land and absorb contact safely, cooling down properly, etc..

Great Quality Videos

While the videos have to be accessed through the member’s website each time, their quality is great, and they’re very informative.

Part of the Program Can Be Done Without Weights

If you don’t want a program that uses weights, this is a great option.

The entire Animal Program doesn’t require a gym and can be done anywhere.

However, it does take 16 weeks, and the workouts are sometimes unnecessarily intense, so if you’re looking for a shorter and more balanced program, you might want to check out Vert Shock.

Lots of Exercises

Another strength of the program is just how well it display all of the main aspects of the vertical jump itself

Tons of exercises are incorporated to ensure that your jump training is as complete and comprehensive as possible.

Boingvert Cons

Not Refined

There’s a lot of golden information, and the program itself follows rock-solid principles, but it seems that everything is scattered and there’s simply too much going on. One problem with BoingVert is that it just doesn’t seem like a completed product.

The fact that the program uses so many exercises means that the author has not yet refined it into a polished jump training program.

The Animal and Monster Programs Don’t Well Work Together

Another way BoingVert comes short is the fact that the Animal and Monster Programs almost seem like two unrelated products.

You have to do them separately, and they do not connect in any way.

And while you do take away great things from both, if BoingVert was more polished and was able to combine the two parts it would not require 30 weeks to complete.


So what’s the verdict, does BoingVert really work?

Yes but…..

BoingVert may seem very scattered in the way it delivers its message, but the individual parts of it are solid.

The exercise videos are clear and sufficient in their quality, the information that’s laid out is backed by scientific studies, and the program has a clear structure that is bound to bring results.

So while it may not bring quick results such as Vert Shock it is still based on solid principles and covers all the main aspects.

However, the program itself is legit, and if you follow its instructions, you will definitely see some results over time that is the point……The amount of time. Vert Shock is an astoundingly popular and successful program and you can gain that 9-15 inches in your vertical jump and get it done in 8 weeks.

Vert Shock vs BoingVert Review…Only 1 Is The Certain Badass Choice!

Do You Want To Learn How To Jump Higher And Dunk The Basketball?

Everybody wants to to improve their game and fly through air and drive the crowd wild with their rim rattling dunks. It is possible the jump higher. Is the answer Vert Shock or BoingVert?

There are many exercises that can help you to jump higher. A lot of these avenues can improve your jump a few inches and can take varied lengths of time. There are some extreme programs that are very effective and work very quickly which is what you want. Programs like Air-Alert, Jump Soles, Strength shoes, Vertical Mastery, 50 Inch Vertical. The truth of the matter is that 75-80 percent of jumping programs do not work!

We will be examining many of these programs. You need to find out what really does work and work without getting you injured which will only slow down your basketball game improvement. You need structure quest for improvement. So if you really are serious about jumping higher stay here.

Vert Shock vs BoingVert Jumping Programs

2 of the very best programs out there. A lot of people want a program where you don't need weights and especially in this COVID-19 era would like to or can't go to a gym. You can do Vert Shock anywhere any time. No gym and no weights just an incredible vertical jump increasing system.

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a training system designed to dynamically increase your vertical jump.

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity advanced plyometrics done specifically in a way that maximizes the neurological response from a certain group of muscles…

These are your Type-II muscle fibers, aka the fast-twitch

It was developed by Pro basketball player, Adam Folker, and one of the world’s greatest prize-winning dunk artists, Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington.

Adam Folker posing here with the Late and insanely great Kobe Bryant.

adam-folker-system Vert Shock inventor















Crazy video of the world's highest dunker

If you've never seen the world's highest dunker in action where have you been?

This dude is so badass it's insane!

He has a vertical leap of over 50.1″ and has invented a bunch of dunks nobody else can do.

No wonder he's blowing up on YouTube right now!

Check out this video compilation of his best dunks. You're not gonna believe your eyes…Click here

How Does Vert Shock Work?

1. The Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase is the first week of the program. This week is going to “shock your body” and prepares you for the following weeks of the program. You will be working out 6 of the 7 days you rest on day 4.

2. Shock Phase

Weeks 2-7 make the Shock Phase the meat of the program featuring 4-6 workouts a week. These workouts range from strength exercises for your legs and core to jumping-specific movements to intense plyometric exercises.

3. Post Shock Phase

Week 8 is called The Post Shock Phase. It is a week of six very intense training sessions with only one day of rest. After seven weeks of training you should be feeling a little stiff so the warm-ups are very important.

The Vert Shock Routine

Adam explains everything in high-resolution videos from warm-up to cool-down to every exercise – everything that you will need to know.

The exercises do not require any weight-lifting which is great for people without access to a weight room. Strength exercises are all performed with bodyweight or a basketball. The training program itself is available as a ODF and can be downloaded and printed or saved on any PC, mobile phone or tablet.

During the 8-week training program you will be doing 41 workouts in 56 days! The vertical jumping workouts are shaped towards different goals.

  • Advanced plyometrics: Intense jumping specific exercises with an emphasis on short ground contact-times.
  • Core Strength: Planks and different static core strength exercises are important to prepare the body for high-impact jumping exercises.
  • Power: Exercises like deep squat jumps increase the strength and power in your lower body which is very important if you want to increase your vertical jump.

The different focal points of the exercises allow different parts of your body enough time to rest between workouts. For example you will never do two heavy plyometric workouts on subsequent days.


What Is Russell Westbrook’s Astonishing Vertical Jump Is He Number 1?

How High Does Russell Westbrook Jump?

So just what is his Vertical Jump and just how does that accentuate his game?

We all know that Russell Westbrook is one of the most dynamic and destructive slam dunkers the game has ever seen. That is especially mind boggling with the fact that he is only 6′ 3″ tall!!!

Every time that he goes to the hoop he is looking to destroy anybody that is anywhere near the basket. He is a maniac on the attack. I have never anything like it especially considering his height.


What is Russ's Vertical Jump

He is always on the attack. Russell Westbrook says that his vertical jump is at 45 inches. At the NBA combine they listed him at 36.5 inches. I don't know what was going on at the combine but I think I will believe my eyes agree with NBA star D'Angelo Russell that it is more like what he says 45. I'm guessing that he has worked on his vertical through the years as his combine was in 2008.

What is this man's Vertical Jump

How To Increase Your Vertical Jump

There are a ton of exercises to increase your vertical jump out there.

  1. Single Leg Bounds
  2. Squat Jumps
  3. Tuck Jumps
  4. Depth Jumps
  5. Split Squat Jumps
  6. Broad Jumps
  7. Regular squats

To name a few…..I am convinced that the very best structured program to increase your jump is Vert Shock created by Adam Folker. This is an extremely intense but easy to follow 8 week program that increases your vertical jump 9 to 15 inches. Just think about that. Take 8 weeks of nice hard work and you 9-15 inches of increase to your vertical!!?? You gotta do that if you take seriously at all improving your basketball game! You've got to have a burning desire!

Who In The World Is Adam Folker?

Adam Folker is a former NCAA Division I basketball athlete and professional basketball player. He has collaborated with Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington who currently holds the title as the World’s #1 Highest Dunker to create the best vertical jump program in the world today! Click here to check it out

Is Russell Westbrook 1 Of The Greatest Players Of All-Time?

Russell Westbrook is clearly one of greatest players in his era in my opinion. I also believe that Westbrook is actually one of the greatest basketball players of all-time yes. Just by watching him play he does jump off of screen and even more if you see him play in person. One of most explosive players I have ever seen and maybe the greatest physically explosive and gifted athlete of his time only being rivaled by LeBron James in my mind! He was and is absolutely fearless on the basketball court. Attacking the the rim and the defense with astonishing intensity. I don't think that I have ever seen anyone pound for pound attack the basket as he does.

Westbrook's Case By The Numbers

Russell Westbrook actually averaged a Triple Double 3 times in his great career!!! He did this in the categories of PPG, Assists and Rebounds. The rebound category was the most impressive to me in that he is only 6′ 3 inches tall and about 200 lbs. Westbrook didn't just barely squeeze in with the number he destroyed all 3 categories!

What is even more incredible to me when you consider that only ONE other person has accomplished this enormous feat and that is a sure fire Top 10 player of All-Time in Oscar Robertson. Oscar only did it once! He did come very close a few other times.

The Verdict

I believe that Russell Westbrook is a sure fire NBA Hall of Famer (numbers bare it out). Westbrook also made it to the NBA Finals with the great Kevin Durrant and a pre-scoring Champ type James Harden. Both of them are also of course headed for the Hall of Fame. Westbrook is a top 100 player of all-time and maybe top 50.

Russell Westbrook worked hard to improve his all-around game including his jumping ability. You can do the same if you give Vert Shock a chance.

You can get it right here at 50% off!

Increase your Vertical Jump




What Is Vert Shock And Is It The #1 Kickass Jumping System?

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert shock is the #1 vertical jump workout program that is available to you today. It can increase your jump from 9-15 inches. That will be the difference in any basketball game that you are involved in. Think about it, if you are 6′ 1″ tall and you have average length arms and you extend your arms over your head it's about a little over 2 feet more or 24 inches more. For most people it's more like 28 inches so that equals 101 inches or 9′ 5″ 7 inches short of 10 feet the height of a basketball rim. So what all that means is that if you are 6′ 1″ with your arms straight vertical you only need a 28 inch vertical leap to just touch the rim. you'll need about 4 more inches or so to get the ball over the rim to get it down that's about a 32 inch vertical so you are close. Imagine adding 9-15 inches to your jump and making it 41 to 45 to be throwing down on people's heads.

How Long Will It Take Vert Shock to Work For You?

Vert Shock is a very intense 8 week program. Jus t 8 weeks of your time and effort to not just increase your jump but by increasing your jump you can greatly enhance your chances of being much better if not great at basketball. Of course this is just one phase of the game. You will need to improve your shooting, dribbling, passing and rebounding skills to be a great player. We will talk about all of this in the coming articles. But for now concentrate on the increase of your vertical jump. Just think about the advantage you will have on other players by playing near the rim which is critical in todays game.

Don't play around with your chances in making big in the game that you love. Be like Mike or Jus Fly Darlington pictured here after winning another award with LeBron, Diana Taurasi and AD. What is Vert Shock

Who Is Jus Fly Darlington?

He is one of the greatest and most decorated Dunking Kings who ever lived! He has some of wildest badass dunks ever seen.

Jus Fly collaborated with former collegiate player Adam Folker to create a fabulous vertical jump increasing system in Vert Shock. Learn to dunk like Jus Fly with his program.

What is Vert ShocK? Click here to read more about that


Click below to see some of Darlington's insane dunking madness.


How To Increase Your Jump

If you are ready to learn to take the next step in your game click on Vertical. There are many devices and systems out there like BoingVert and others. There are many exercises that do help increase your explosive power. By intensely targeting your Fast-Twitch or Type II muscles you will increase your jumping ability

Here are some great exercises that will help to increase your vertical jump.

  1. Single Leg Bounds
  2. Squat Jumps
  3. Tuck Jumps
  4. Depth Jumps
  5. Split Squat Jumps
  6. Broad Jumps
  7. Regular squats

Proven, Structured Systems

Yes there are many exercises to help improve your jumping ability but I feel that there is nothing like a proven structured program for a person to improve on a specific skill. I am also convinced that the very best structured program to increase your jump is Vert Shock created by Adam Folker and Jus Fly Darlington. As I said before it is an extremely intense but easy to follow 8 week program that increases your vertical jump 9 to 15 inches. Just think about that. Take 8 weeks of nice hard proven, structured work to land 9-15 inches of increase to your vertical!!?? You gotta do that if you take seriously at all improving your basketball game! You've got to have a burning desire!

Click on the picture below to get 50% off of $138 and get it for $67



Vert Shock Free Download #1

Vert Shock Download

Do you want to learn how to jump like the Pros. Vert Shock is the number 1 vertical jump training program in the world. I spoke about Ray Allen in my previous article and how he is one of the greatest shooters of all-time. One other thing about Ray Allen is that he was a great leaper as well this helped his overall game of course. He was not a natural he had to work hard at it. He in his own words “was not a very gifted athlete”. He did have talent but he also worked at his basketball game. Working on his shooting constantly and also working on increasing his jumping ability.

Get a Vert Shock Free download here


8 Week Vertical Jump Training Program

Vert Shock is an 8 week vertical jump training workout program. The program was put together by Adam Folker a collegiate basketball player at Cal Irvine and a pro basketball player in Europe.

The program is known to increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches if you put in the time for 8 weeks

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system designed first and foremost to increase your vertical jump.

It was developed by Pro basketball player, Adam Folker Vert Shock Free shown here in memory of The Black Mamba Kobe Bryant and in conjunction with one of the

Vert Shock Free
Jus Fly with LeBron James, Diana Taurasi and Anthony Davis

world’s greatest and most decorated dunkers Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington.

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity plyometrics exercises done in a way that targets your fast-twitch or Type-2 muscles

The goal is to stimulate these muscles to fire extremely fast and get them to be more involved in jumping so you can jump higher, quicker, with more explosive power.

Once again get your Vert Shock Free download by clicking here



Michael Jordan’s Amazing Vertical #1

Michael Jordan's NBA Basketball Career

Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players of all-time. He also has one of the highest vertical jumps ever. He has the highest per game scoring average of any player in the history of the NBA at 30.1 points per game. He also has the average for the Playoffs at 33.4 PPG and that's not even close as the 2nd highest (Allen Iverson) is at 29.1 ppg. Jordan also won 6 NBA Titles in 6 tries and garnering the NBA Finals MVP honors all 6 times that he appeared in the Finals and earning Regular season MVP 3 times. With all of that scoring prowess he was also named First Team NBA All-Defensive Team 9 times and won the NBA Defensive player of the year in 1988.

How High Was Michael Jordan's Vertical Leap

They called him Air Jordan or His Airness . They didn't have the combine back in 1984 so there aren't any official measurements, but a few people have said that it is s about 48 inches. There was a study in 1983 by his college team the University of North Carolina Tar Heels that has Jordan's vertical measured at 45.76″. All I know is he was jumping over everybody and dunking on everyone's head. That is a 7′ 6″ shot blocking machine Dikembe Mutumbo getting Posterized there.

Michael Jordan didn't jump he flew. His ridiculous flights to the rim started the term “hang-time“.

In fact he has a recorded hang-time of 0.92 seconds and is regarded as one of the highest ever jumpers in NBA history.

How tall was Michael Jordan: He was 6′ 6″ Can you learn how to jump like Michael Jordan? It is possible. It is definitely possible to increase your vertical jump by anywhere from 9 to 15 inches. Click on the word jump and you can find out how. Can you learn to play like Mike. There is a lot of work and you can improve greatly. Improving your vertical jump will help dramatically.

What is that Vertical?

What Did Other Players Think Of Jordan:

Even contemporaneous superstars recognized the unparalleled position of Jordan. Magic Johnson said, “There’s Michael Jordan and then there is the rest of us.” Larry Bird, following a playoff game where Jordan dropped 63 points on the Boston Celtics in just his second season, appraisal of the young player was: “God disguised as Michael Jordan.”


NBA legend Magic Johnson is uniquely qualified to weigh in on the seemingly endless debate about who is a better basketball player between Michael Jordan and LeBron James. Johnson battled against Jordan in the NBA for the better part of a decade, and squared off against him in the 1991 NBA Finals. He also played with Jordan on Team USA's “Dream Team” in 1992. Then, as an executive, Johnson helped the Lakers land James in free agency in 2018.

During a recent appearance on ESPN, Johnson had some high praise for James, as he said that the Lakers forward was probably the best “all-around” player of all time. However, Johnson said that when it comes to the greatest player ever, he's still going with Jordan.

“First of all, let's not take anything away from LeBron James,” Johnson said. “Because LeBron James is a great basketball player, one of the all-time greatest that's ever played the game. LeBron James to me, when you think about all-around basketball players, he's probably the best of all time. An all-around basketball player. But when you want to say ‘who's the greatest ever' it's still Michael Jordan.”

While Johnson currently has Jordan ranked ahead of James on his own all-time list, he did leave the door open for James to potentially pass Jordan down the road, as James is still in the midst of his playing days.

“LeBron James' chapter is not closed yet,” Johnson added. “He still has some basketball to play, so maybe he has a chance to catch [Jordan] later on if he can get some more championships under his belt. But at the end of the day, they're both great and they play they game the right way. They made their teammates better, they won championships, and thank god for LeBron because right now that's what we're watching. It's his time. It's his era, and he's dominating his era.”


Vert Shock Review: Is Vert Shock Training Absolutely #1 And Right For You?

What Is Vert Shock?

This Vert Shock Review is about a jumping program that was created by Adam Folker a former college basketball player at UC Irvine and later a professional basketball player for NH Ostrava in The Czech Republic Mattoni NBL and also was created in cooperation with Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington one of the most amazing dunkers to ever grace the earth! The reigning Highest Dunker in the world.

Everyone wants to learn how to dunk and jump better to help them be a better basketball player. Maybe you can come close to one of these Magnificent 10 Basketball players if you can increase your vertical jump.

All ball players want to drive the crowds wild with high flying rim shaking back breaking in your face dunks! The Vertical Shock basketball workout program HAS BEEN SHOWN to add 9 to 15 inches to your vertical jump. Can you imagine what that would do for your basketball game? This incredible improvement to your vertical jump is not done by some kind of Magic. It's done by laser targeting and igniting your fast twitch and elastic muscle fibers.


Always Wanted to Dunk Like A Badass?

Vert Shock Review

Is The Vert Shock System Right For You?

Out of all of the vertical jump programs out there Vert Shock is by far the most talked about. Vert Shock creator, founder and also the CEO of Thincpro Adam Folker makes this bold claim: that it will increase your vertical by 9-15 inches.

You just have to give it 8 weeks of your time.

Most other vertical jump training programs typically require 3-6 months of your time to see an average increase of 10 inches to your vertical jump.

What makes Vert Shock so different? Is it really as effective as it claims? Keep reading this Vert Shock Review.

Vert Shock Reiew
1 Jan 2001: Kobe Bryant

How Does The Vert Shock Training Program Work?

1. The Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase is the first week of the program. This week is going to “shock your body” and prepares you for the following weeks of the program. You will be working out 6 of the 7 days you rest on day 4.

2. Shock Phase

Weeks 2-7 make the Shock Phase the meat of the program featuring 4-6 workouts a week. These workouts range from strength exercises for your legs and core to jumping-specific movements to intense plyometric exercises.

3. Post Shock Phase

Week 8 is called The Post Shock Phase. It is a week of six very intense training sessions with only one day of rest. After seven weeks of training you should be feeling a little stiff so the warm-ups are very important.

The Vert Shock Routine

Adam explains everything in high-resolution videos from warm-up to cool-down to every exercise – everything that you will need to know.

The exercises do not require any weight-lifting which is great for people without access to a weight room. Strength exercises are all performed with bodyweight or a basketball. The training program itself is available as a ODF and can be downloaded and printed or saved on any PC, mobile phone or tablet.

During the 8-week training program you will be doing 41 workouts in 56 days! The vertical jumping workouts are shaped towards different goals.

  • Advanced plyometrics: Intense jumping specific exercises with an emphasis on short ground contact-times.
  • Core Strength: Planks and different static core strength exercises are important to prepare the body for high-impact jumping exercises.
  • Power: Exercises like deep squat jumps increase the strength and power in your lower body which is very important if you want to increase your vertical jump.

The different focal points of the exercises allow different parts of your body enough time to rest between workouts. For example you will never do two heavy plyometric workouts on subsequent days.

Final Thoughts In This Vert Shock Review

I recommend this program to every basketball player who is determined to increase his/her vertical jump. Not only will you jump higher but you will gain quickness, athleticism, power and explosiveness. Other parts of your game will also improve such as rebounding, defense and penetration. All of this will greatly improve your confidence on the court.

Vert Shock focuses heavily on plyometrics and is, therefore, especially suited for players who have little or no access to a gym or very little experience with weightlifting. All the equipment you need is either a basketball or a medicine ball. Download Vert Shock now and you can start working towards your first dunk today!