Vert Shock Undercover…What No One Will Tell You!!!

Vert Shock Undercover

Vert Shock Undercover…A Full Vert Shock Review

Athletes are getting better, faster and stronger as the years go. What was once thought of as nearly impossible in the NBA 30 years ago is now seen in some Collegiate games and at times even some High School games and young basketball players are becoming more and more physically talented. 30 inch vertical jumps are no longer considered awesome as many players can easily jump over 35 inches today. Yet still there are many young players that struggle jump at a competitive level. That is one reason for so many jump training programs out there which promise to increase your vertical leap.

Vert Shock is one of those programs and we will give you a full review. Does Vert Shock really work? How long-lasting are the effects? Will anybody be able to go through the program? Let's find out.

Just What Is Vert Shock And Why Do You Need It?

Vert Shock is a vertical jump training system which is relatively new to the Internet and it's main promise is to increase your vertical by at least 10 and in many cases 15 inches or more in just two months. That, for most people seems ridiculous and quite frankly impossible at first but it didn’t seem impossible to the two creators Adam Folker and Justin Darlington. We will take a deeper look into them, who they are and what they do but for now let’s continue with a review of their product

The approach this program takes is a little unorthodox and uses a very high-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.

We don’t normally believe those online program courses to be true but anything that involves playing basketball at a higher level is always welcomed so we decided to take a hard look at it.

The other sweet benefit of this product is that if you aren’t satisfied with the results you can always ask for your money back…

Who are Adam Folker And Justin Darlington?

Adam Folker is the creator of this program. He grew up playing basketball and by the time he was in high school he was already one of the best players in his native country (Canada). After he finished High School Adam went on to play Collegiate basketball at Division-1 NCAA for The University California Irvine. He then went on to play professionally overseas

On the main page of the product you will see a confession of his that when he started playing basketball, unlike the other players he could barely get to the rim and had nothing special in him in terms of athletic and jumping capabilities. Still he ended up playing NCAA basketball and training and playing with NBA players, so our thoughts were that whatever he has to say in terms of training might be valuable for any player. He also went on to create this great jump training product Vert Shock.

The next person who helped in developing this program is Justin Darlington. You may have heard of him under the name of Jus Fly. Justin Jus Fly Darlington has been one of, if not the best dunkers in the world over the last past several years. His vertical is an astonishing 53 inches and he has used it win some of the most prestiguous and biggest dunk contests in the world including a Nike contest alongside Lebron James and Anthony Davis along with The GOAT of Women's basketball Diana Tarasi. vert shock undercover

Justin is so good that he actually professionally trains several NBA players in how to increase their jumping ability. Coming from a person that does this for a living, you can bet that he has developed some of the best jumping tactics and techniques. With their product, all of that knowledge and methods are directly at your disposal.

How Does The Vert Shock Program Work?

Vert Shock works by getting you through different stages called Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. These programs use high-impact methods which target the nervous system more than the muscles. The main target are the nerves in your legs. The plyometrics it uses are meant to focus your type-2 muscle fibers which are also known as fast-twitch fibers. The main goal is simple – make your muscles as fast as possible in order to generate as much force as they can in as little time as possible. That will propel you into the air higher than type 1 fibers can.

Now, let’s take a look at the stages involved with the main part of Vert Shock:

The Three Stages

As we already mentioned, the length of this course is 8 weeks. Those eight weeks are broken down into three different phases or stages called:

  • Pre-Shock
  • Shock
  • Post-Shock

The Pre-Shock Stage

Stage One, or also known as the “Pre-Shock” stage happens during the first of these eight weeks. It is designed to prepare your body of what lies ahead. There are tons of plyometric exercises in this stage that will be repeated again and again in the next 7 weeks. Going through most reviews, we saw that during just this stage, people have gained at least a few inches of vertical jump. We didn’t see any significant result but one member of our team said he got 4 inches measured in his track book which was incredible already.

This first week might seem like the hardest to you but going through it properly ensures a successful run until the end of the program. It isn’t the most intensive but since these workouts will be new to your body, you would find them extremely difficult at first.

The Shock Stage

This stage is where the actual exercises begin and is the biggest part of this eight weeks course. It is super intense and very crucial to the effect you will get from Vert Shock. If you have gotten through the first stage, at this point you will be used to feeling tired and your legs hurting. The good thing is that your body will start adjusting during this stage and you will find yourself craving for more of these workouts pretty soon, trust us.

The main goal of this stage is for your fast twitch muscles to learn to explode through various plyometric and strengthening exercises. As soon as they start generating a lot of concentrated power, your legs will be able to propel you way easier into the air. By the end of this stage you should have around 10 inches of vertical (our guy had 13). Less than that will mean that you skipped classes, while more than that will mean that you are a natural at jumping and your muscle fibers are tuned to such kind of exercises genetically.

The Post-Shock Stage

This is the stage that lets your body rest and allows your muscles to recover. Everything here is geared towards activating the muscle memory you obtained during the past 2 months. Every hour of work you put into this now your body has to instantly recognize when repeated and react in the way you want it to. This stage is one week long and it’s main goal is to test your vertical and make sure it’s height is consistent in 100 out of 100 jumps.

You will start feeling lighter and even excited from the fact that your legs can take you to new heights now. There are only 4 workouts in this week with a sum of 2 hours in total. The elastic fibers in your thighs will feel as if you’ve lost 20 pounds of weight in those two months.


Other Advantages Of This Program

The few things that are really special about these 8 weeks of your life is that you won’t have to go to a gym or have to lift anything. This program does not require any additional gear or gym trips which makes it truly remarkable for people who cannot afford those things or simply want to work with their own body weight due to joint issues or something else.

As we pointed out, everything here is based on plyometrics meaning that every exercise is fast and repeated stretching of your muscles specially designed to increase their strength and reaction time. It also improves the connections (synapse) between your nerve cells and the muscle cells. That allows for faster signal traveling and stronger signal potency leading to a stronger contraction of the muscle cell.

In other words this program doesn’t add much strength to your body but rather decreases the strength handicap of your body allowing it to utilize its resources better. All in all, for all those people who don’t have gym access or don’t want to lift weights, this is the perfect program. Our team member did all the exercises in a gym environment but that isn’t necessary.

There is a separate “Complex training routines” program that consists of weight-lifting exercises which focus your quadriceps and posterior muscles (glutes, calves, hamstrings, etc.). It increases strength contrary to Vert Shock that just focuses it in the right direction.

With this routing every muscle fiber that you add up to your muscles will be pure explosiveness and they are also not for everyone in terms of intensity. They are combined with a bit of plyometrics but the sets of exercises here are definitely going to make some people give up.

If you have a gym membership, make sure you include those exercises but also try including more protein to your diet as well as something for your recovery since you will be adding a lot of stress during the Shock stage combined with these weight-lifting exercises.

What Do You Get With The Vert Shock System?

With this program you will get access to a ton of products but the most important ones are the Stage 1,2, and 3 guides. Apart from them, you will be getting:

  • The 4 Vertical Jump Killers eBook. This book will explain which are the four things people do wrong when trying to raise the bar for their vertical jump.
  • The 5 Dirty Secrets To Jumping Higher Guide. This is the part where you get to know Justin’s dirty little tricks to jumping higher. He lays them out in a well-spoken manner and shows you what it takes to be a world-class jumper.
  • Jumper’s Diet checklist. This isn’t exactly a diet but it shows you which foods will work the best with your new regimen.
  • An App for weekly check-ins. This is a newsletter of sorts which helps you get used to the exercises better by giving you further tips and tricks.
  • The NBA jump secrets revealed guide
  • The “Power Leak Fix” For overnight Hops
  • Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed
  • The Slingshot Secret To Instantly Jumping Higher
  • Vert Shock Maintenance Program
  • Dunk Now workout
  • Vert Tracker Workbook

All these DVDs, apps, books, and other programs are included now in the package you will be getting, which we think is hands down the best deal in the whole internet right now. The amount of knowledge poured into making these videos and tutorials is insane and getting them for free is the best thing that can happen to your vertical jump and basketball capabilities.

Does Vert Shock Really Work?

Just like with any other program on the internet, vert Shock is surrounded with a lot of uncertainty. This is because you won’t be supervised while training and nobody knows whether you will follow the instructions laid out for you exactly as they are. Most people slack when it comes to exercises and then complain that there is no visible effect. For that reason, we cannot guarantee this will work for everyone.

For the people willing to put up the work, though, Vert Shock will greatly reward them by making their upright jump a lot higher. People who never touched the rim start touching it and even going beyond it. People who never dunked are starting to do dunks all the time. Our team member which we basically used as a guinea pig showed us he got a 11 inch result right after the program which went down to 9 in the long run which isn’t the great 15 inches Vert Shock promises but then again he obviously stopped keeping his muscles in shape after the program ended.

This is why this product includes tutorials on teaching you how to develop a training culture and habits that will not only keep you healthier but will maintain the achieved results for a longer period of time. It just is crucial to remember that you simply cannot slack off during this course. The more you do it, the worse results you will get and as with any high-intensity workout you can injure yourself if you do not stretch properly before and after. Having a bad diet while putting your body through this can also affect your progress negatively.

All these negatives are explained in the bonus DVD you are getting called “The 4 vertical jump killers”. This, as well as many other tutorials and tips come for free when you get the whole Vert Shock Package.

Click Here For Some Personal Testimonials…

Real People. Real Results.

All Testimonials Are 100% Genuine and have been screen-grabbed directly from emails and social media posts.


Conclusions On The Vert Shock Program

Vert Shock is a great online program that claims to improve your vertical jump with anywhere from 10 to 15 inches. It is dealing with high-intensity plyometric exercises which rewire your nervous and muscle systems in your legs making them more reactive and more explosive. Whether it works or not depends on how much work you will put into it. We made a team member of ours who plays basketball regularly go through the whole course and he first gained 11 inches and then dropped to 9 as a permanent effect. This, combined with many more positive testimonials is a reason enough for us to trust it but then again this is an online course and nobody can supervise you during it, meaning people can slack and skip vital parts. At the end those who didn’t endure or didn’t have the necessary motivation will have worse results but that will be a progress as well.

The program comes with tons of extra DVD, tutorials, and items you will be getting that are all free of charge currently on the Vert Shock website. Jus Fly has awesome videos on there in which he teaches you some of the dirty tricks to better jumps. Seriously, there is no better thing than getting advice from one of the world’s best dunkers right now.

Overall, the program is hard to go through and requires a decent amount of motivation, energy and will. For those who endure there will be a great reward. For those who don’t or simply don’t see a point in continuing with it, there is a 60 days money back guarantee. As a whole, we rate this program four and a half out of five stars since it isn’t meant for all basketball players but only the ones that are physically capable of going through it all.



Joel Embiid Is The 2021 Absolute NBA MVP!!!

2021 NBA MVP

Joel Embiid is the 2021 NBA MVP…but does he deserve the award? Watching Joel Embiid's amazing progression in his game has been a joy to watch. It's not just the increased numbers which have been phenomenal 29.2 PPG 10.7 RPG 2.9 Assists PG 1.4 Blocks and even 1.0 Steals per incredible NBA leading 11.0 FT attempts per outing and the equally amazing 86.0 FT Pct (crucial since he goes to the line so much and he always can be counted on to sink his Free throws in the clutch at the end of ball games) 51.6 FG Pct the 37.7 3Pt Pct and the big 54.9 effective FG Pct It's his improved approach to the game which includes his much improved overall physical conditioning his delivery of the ball to the right people at the right time when he is being double-teamed (often) he has greatly cut back his on court and off court antics. Embiid has taken the mantle as the team leader and is dedicated to be the best player in basketball (and he is as of now) and he seems dedicated to being one of the best players of all time. I do also believe that Joel teamed up with Big Ben Simmons, wants to win his first NBA Title badly and wants to win as many Titles as he can while his window is open. By the time we find out the winner we also know who was able to take their team to the NBA Title.

2021 NBA MVP



2021 NBA MVP Problem

The obvious problem is the amount of games that Embiid has or has not played in. In the 76ers 71 games with 1 to go Embiid has only played 51 which of course means he has missed 20 games and may not play in the last game because the Sixers just clinched the number 1 seed for the East in the playoffs. The Denver Nuggets star Center Nikola Jokic while putting up massive numbers has also played in every one of his teams 71 games. The numbers equally if not more impressive than Embiid's. Some of Jokic's numbers….26.4 PPG 10.9 Rebs an insane 8.4 Assts for a 7 foot center while shooting a fabulous 56.7 FG Pct from the floor 86.7 Pct from the free throw line and almost 40 pct from the 3 Point line at 39.7 Pct. Truthfully those numbers are pretty comparable to Embiid's. So it it becomes a balancing act of voting with Embiid missing the 20 games and Jokic playing in every single game but the eye test telling you that Embiid cleary dominates a game at a higher level than Jokic. By the way both of their teams have great records with Philadelphia being 48-23 and Denver is at 47 and 24. That makes it very tough with Embiid right now quite possibly being the very best player in the NBA. I think nod is going to go to Nikola Jokic over Joel Embiid only because of the games and while I think Embiid is arguably the best player in basketball (as of right now with LeBron James slowing slightly) I would have no problem with Jokic getting the award and if I had a vote I might myself vote for Jokic even if I felt is Ebiid is the real MVP when he does play.

2021 NBA MVP

The MVP Case For Steph Curry

Another player that has played his way into the conversation is the mercurial sharp-shooter Steph Curry. Has has great all season but in the past month or so has gone on a legendary tear averaging over 37 points per game since April 1st!!! On the season he is averaging 31.8 PPG (more than 1.7 ppg higher than his previous MVP year of 30.1 per). And while missing backcourt partner super-star Clay Thompson out all year with a knee injury his tear has catapulted the Warriors to a late playoff making push. The greatest outside shooter of all-times is having maybe his greatest season ever and will garner some legitimate 2021 NBA MVP votes but will likely fall short to either Embiid or Jokic.

Ass Kicking BadAss 1 on 1 Basketball Moves

Ass Kicking BadAss Basketball Training

Thank you for coming to my page! I love basketball and have played the game most of my life. I started playing when I was 6 years old. Mostly following my big brother and his friends around. I mostly was just dribbling the ball all over the place waiting for the day when I could get the ball up to the hoop to shoot. I went to Dave Bing's basketball camp starting at 9 years of age and learned from some of the best players in the country at the time from Washington DC, Detroit, and Pontiac Michigan including many top college and Pro players. Also a lot of the campers were from those places and provided fantastic competition. The counselors were dedicated to us learning the fundamentals of the game and Mr. Bing and the others engrained in our brain that we were to take those dribbling, passing and shooting drills with us after we left camp and worked on them year round or we would not improve and I did that. I needed some Ass Kicking vertical jump training!!!

Progressing Basketball Life

I continued to work and improve and became one of the top players in the area competing in various youth leagues. I continued to improve and went on to play High School basketball and made All County, All Area and some All-State honors all the while continuing to focus on learning the game of basketball. I then went on to play college basketball and later coached at the High School level.

I Wanted To Jump Higher Too

Also during my Junior High and continuing on to my High School years I began to, as most of us began to fall in love with the thought of playing the game at the rim. Because of that I also began to try and learn how to jump higher and of course dunk the basketball! I was a decent size at 6′ 2″ but not a giant. I worked on jumping back then trying different exercises and even using the Strength (Jump) Shoe. I did improve my jumping and began to be able to dunk the basketball by my Junior year in High School.

What Changed My Basketball Life?

The one thing that they didn't have back then were ass kicking vertical jump training programs like the one I love to tell people about now, Vert Shock. Learn more about this amazing vertical jump training by clicking here I used this and I got amazing vertical jump ability. If you follow this program you will improve your vertical jump by 9-15 inches if you take the 8 weeks of time to follow the program.



amazing vertical jump


Ass Kicking


Epic Basketball Shooting 101

Can You Shoot The Basketball?

If you cant shoot the basketball you can't play! It is great to be able to jump and dunk yes that is very important but if you can't shoot you can't play. You need to learn epic basketball shooting now. Don't believe anybody tells you that certain people are born great shooters. THERE IS NO SUCH ANIMAL!!! A dead giveaway of a person that cares about his game and works diligently at it is his ability to shoot the basketball. In this article we will go over a few a drills and some theories and techniques that will help you become a great shooter. So don't let anybody tell you that shooting is not the most important part of basketball. They just don't want to put in the work and they they don't want you to put in the work because they know you will be better if you work to learn to shoot the rock.

epic basketball shooting


Learn Epic Basketball Shooting

Shocking 2021 Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training!!!

What Is Vert Shock Vertical Jump Training?

Vert Shock is an incredibly intense 8 week vertical jump training program created by a former College and Professional basketball player (Adam Folker) and an elite multi-winning Slam Dunk Champion (Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington).

The program mostly consists of plyometrics, which are jumping exercises that can be done on a gym mat or some grassy area. That is one of the main selling points of the program in that it doesn’t require access to a gym.

What Kind Of Results Can You Expect?

You can expect anywhere from a 9 to 15 inch increase in your vertical jump by the end of your extreme 8 week program. All results vary of course from person to person depending on genetics, age, effort and how closely you stick to the program. This is a an extremely intense program and is not for everybody.

Who Should Not Do This Program?

If you have a history of hip, knee or ankle injuries, are overweight/obese or don’t regularly exercise then this program is likely to do more harm than good. Some strength coaches believe you should be capable of back squatting 1.5 times your body-weight before undertaking any advanced plyometrics, and I agree. Of the 30-40 people I’ve interacted with who have done this program, almost HALF have injured themselves enough to either hamper them or require them to stop training altogether.

Although there is no definite age to do the program it is recommended that should be about 40 or younger. Women also do use this program if they are relatively fit also.

How Is The Program Structured?

Vert Shock’s Pre-Shock Phase is widely available online, and parts of it can be seen below. The full program consists of a PDF in this format, as well as video tutorials on the main site and some other additional tips. In this screenshot you can see 9 jumping exercises (Around the Square, Tuck Jumps, Horizontal Bounds.. etc.). The entire program is only 10 jumping exercises, so while it gives the impression this is just a sample but is a good representation of the full program

The missing exercise is Split Squat Jumps, which appear in the Day 1 session from week 2 onward. Other than that, there are only minor variations in reps and rest made for the six week “Shock Phase” and a larger change in rest periods during the “Post-Shock Phase”.

Vertical jump training

Top Reasons Why Vert Shock Is The Number 1 Vertical Jump Training Program

1. Vert Shock Flat Out Works

The only reason you are even interested is because you are curious if Vert Shock works. We can flat out YES Vert Shock works!

After running through the program just once, we gained 10+ inches on our vertical jump. So yes, although the testimonials for Vert Shock might seem overblown, the program works!

2. You Don't Need A Gym!

The second big reason why we love Vert Shock is because Vert Shock does not require a gym! This is great news for younger athletes who don’t have access to a gym.

What this means is that Vert Shock can be done at a park and even at home. It makes it super easy and convenient and now there’s no excuse not to jump higher.

3. Great Format From The Videos To The Audios

Vert Shock has some of the best instructional videos I have seen for an online course with incredible videos and audio. When you buy Vert Shock you are not buying cheap bad quality videos that require you to sit and watch hour long videos just to understand the principles, with Vert Shock they don't give you a brain hernia to understand it right away nor are there tough complicated concepts to learn.
All you have to do is watch the videos and listen to the audios once to learn how to do exercises and then you can get right after it. Start on your 8 week journey to increasing your jump dramatically. That's correct just 8 weeks of intense training to accomplish your dream of being a badass skywalker.

4. You Have To Finally Put Up Or Shut Up

Before I finally decided to Vert Shock I spent countless hours looking and trying free jump programs and tried to create my own programs but none of them ever really worked. The reason why was because I had nothing really pushing me. It was the paying out of my own pocket for something that I really believed in that drove me to the next level.
After I got Vert Shock I took the training seriously and followed the program like they were a cult and did everything I could to make sure I was going to jump higher. When I bought Vert Shock I saw it as losing money, so if I did not perform and see results it would all be money wasted so I made sure I got my money’s worth. In the end it all paid off and still today see the purchase of Vert Shock as one of the most incredible investments in my life and the same thing can happen for you if you give it a shot.

5. Get Serious About Jumping Higher

If you are truly serious about increasing your vertical you need to give Vert Shock a shot. If you go for it you can increase your jump from 9-15 inches in 8 weeks. To me I don't have any idea why you wouldn't go for it. It is a true no-brainer to be dunking the ball on folks heads and greatly improving your basketball game and yes taking your game to the next level!




Vert Shock Scam Warning!!! Get Your Vert Shock Free Pdf Download 1st Before You Buy

Vert Shock The Truth

Is Vert Shock the real deal in helping someone to jump higher? First of all what in the heck is Vert Shock and why would I want a Vert Shock free pdf download?

It's a relatively new vertical jump improvement program and Vert Shock is getting a lot of attention from tons of basketball players and other athletes.


They say it can increase your vertical by 9-15 inches within the course of just 8 weeks.

Sounds too good to be true I know.

But is it possible that this may actually be legitimate? Before I offer you your free Vert Shock download click here for dozens of Testimonials

Get your Vert Shock free pdf download here

Look At This Insane Video Review Narrated By Josh From The Jump Manual Blog



  • You may be a good basketball player but….CAN YOU DUNK? There are a lot of facets to becoming a really good to great basketball player.

  • You have to have really good basic fundamentals.

  • You have be able to shoot

  • You have to be able to dribble and pass

  • And play defense

  • But if you can dunk you are now on par with some of the the best ball players in your area and set yourself apart from many others. Put all of that together and you are a Badass!!! I know I played Division I basketball and yes I could dunk and it is a massive advantage to add to your repertoire

What Is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system created to greatly increase your vertical jump. To the tune of 9-15 inches. Can you imagine adding that much to your Vertical Jump? You would immediately turn into an animal and add that to your other basketball skills

Vert Shock was developed by Professional basketball player Adam Folker, and one of the world’s highest and most decorated dunkers, Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington.

Adam Folker pictured here with the Late and Incredibly Great Kobe Bryant


Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington pictured here with LeBron, Anthony Davis and The Greatest Women's Basketball Player of All-Time Diana Taurasi


Watch This Absurd Video Of Co-Developer Jus Fly Darlington



Click Below And Get Your Vert Shock Free Pdf Download

Vert Shock Free PDF Download

How Is Vert Shock Structured?

The Three Stages

As we already mentioned, the length of this course is 8 weeks. Those eight weeks are broken down into three different phases or stages called:

  • Pre-Shock
  • Shock
  • Post-Shock

The Pre-Shock Stage

Stage One, or also known as the “Pre-Shock” stage happens during the first of these eight weeks. It is designed to prepare your body of what lies ahead. There are tons of plyometric exercises in this stage that will be repeated again and again in the next 7 weeks. Going through most reviews, we saw that during just this stage, people have gained at least a few inches of vertical jump. We didn’t see any significant result but one member of our team said he got 4 inches measured in his track book which was incredible already.

This first week might seem like the hardest to you but going through it properly ensures a successful run until the end of the program. It isn’t the most intensive but since these workouts will be new to your body, you would find them extremely difficult at first.

The Shock Stage

This stage is where the actual exercises begin and is the biggest part of this eight weeks course. It is super intense and very crucial to the effect you will get from Vert Shock. If you have gotten through the first stage, at this point you will be used to feeling tired and your legs hurting. The good thing is that your body will start adjusting during this stage and you will find yourself craving for more of these workouts pretty soon, trust us.

The main goal of this stage is for your fast twitch muscles to learn to explode through various plyometric and strengthening exercises. As soon as they start generating a lot of concentrated power, your legs will be able to propel you way easier into the air. By the end of this stage you should have around 10 inches of vertical (our guy had 13). Less than that will mean that you skipped classes, while more than that will mean that you are a natural at jumping and your muscle fibers are tuned to such kind of exercises genetically.


For the best shooting drills which will take your accuracy and concentration to the next level click here.

The Post-Shock Stage

This is the stage that lets your body rest and allows your muscles to recover. Everything here is geared towards activating the muscle memory you obtained during the past 2 months. Every hour of work you put into this now your body has to instantly recognize when repeated and react in the way you want it to. This stage is one week long and it’s main goal is to test your vertical and make sure it’s height is consistent in 100 out of 100 jumps.

You will start feeling lighter and even excited from the fact that your legs can take you to new heights now. There are only 4 workouts in this week with a sum of 2 hours in total. The elastic fibers in your thighs will feel as if you’ve lost 20 pounds of weight in those two months.



What Is The Revolutionary Best-selling #1 and Best Vertical Jump Training Program?

What Is The Best Vertical Jump Training Program Ever Created?

Without question the ability to jump higher is a big advantage to any athlete and especially in the game of basketball. You can do a lot of drills that may increase your jumping ability. The best way however is to use a proven training system. So what is the best vertical jump training program available? And what exercises can you actually try without a proven system.

Theories To Help Increase Your Vertical Jump

There are numerous training exercises to increase your vertical jump including plyometrics which consist of quick, explosive movements designed to increase speed and power. Drills that help you jump higher maximize muscle contraction by strengthening those fast-twitch muscle fibers which convert explosive power into speed into speed explosive jumping ability.

When an athlete can increase the strength of the tendons they not only help with reducing injury but also create more explosiveness.

Best vertical jump training program

Exercises To Help Increase Your Jumping Ability

Below are a few great drills to increase your vertical jump and to be a more explosive athlete. These drills can be used to increase an athlete's vertical jump for basketball as well any many other sports like football or volleyball.

1. Lateral Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, pivot and jump

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

4. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

5. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

6. 180 Jumps

This drill will help with landing coordination as well as develop explosive leg power.

Jump training drills and plyometrics require no equipment and can be done just about anywhere. These drills can easily be implemented into any training regiment. If you want to find more drills check out the VertiMax App which includes drills for every sport.

The Answer To The Best Vertical Jump Training Program

There are many jump training systems out there like The Jump Manual, BoingVert and others. We believe that the number 1 jump system is Vert Shock! So what in the world is Vert Shock and who created it?

What Is Vert Shock?: The Best Vertical Jump Training Program

Vert Shock is a revolutionary jumping program created by former collegiate and Professional basketball player Adam Folker and an assist from legendary World Wide Dunk Champion Justin “Jus Fly” Davenport. Both are seen below.

Adam Folker







Jus Fly Darlington



How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use plyometric workouts at 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!

How Much Does Vert Shock Cost?

Get Vert Shock Now For 50% Off $67 instead of $134

How To Immediately Increase Your Vertical Jump 30% At Home

How Do You Dramatically Increase Your Vertical Jump?

You can absolutely increase your vertical jump and YES you train yourself to be able to dunk! I won't waste your time explaining all of the other jump programs out there and all of the exercises.

I know that there is one System that has been proven to work for you. That System is called VERT SHOCK!!!


What Is Vert Shock And Why Do You Need It?

Vert Shock is a system which is relatively new to the internet and it's purpose is to increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches in just 8 weeks. For most people that seems insane and impossible to most but it didn’t seem impossible to the two creators Adam Folker and Justin Darlington. We will explain who they are soon but for now back to the program.

The approach this program takes is a little different than others and applies a very high-intensity plyometrics to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.

We don’t normally believe those online program courses to be true but anything that involves playing more basketball is always welcomed so we decided to at least give it a try. The beauty of this product is that the results you will get will happen within the money-back period of two months and therefore if you aren’t satisfied you can always ask for your money back.

The first thing we did, as we do with any other online training course, was to check the reviews. Reviews can often be biased and even purchased but if you know how to filter the fake ones from the real people giving their honest opinion you will always be able to find out whether a product is good or bad. Even the most negative reviews were somewhat positive, as they stated that there was progress but not as big as 15 inches. Our first thought was that those people didn’t really go through the whole course properly and therefore only achieved partial results. The amount of reviews from people claiming they got a 10+ inch vertical jump improvement was astonishing clearly showing us that whatever this program was, it was done in a right way.

Either way, we decided to go all in and buy the program. Before we get to an explanation of the program. Now let’s learn about the 2 founders of Vert Shock.

Check Out Some Vert Shock Testimonials

Want to know what it takes to officiate a basketball game? Click here to go to my full article on the topic.

Who Are Adam Folker And Justin Darlington?

Adam Folker is the creator of this program. He grew up playing basketball and by the time he was in high school he was already one of the best players in his country (Canada). He then went on to play Division-1 Basketball UC Irvine. Adam also played professional basketball in The Czech Republic.

At the main page of the product you will see a confession of his that when he started playing, unlike the other players he could barely get to the rim and had nothing special in him in terms of athletic capabilities. Still, he ended up training in one of the biggest teams in the NCAA and playing with NBA players, so our thoughts were that whatever he has to say in terms of training might prove at least a bit useful.

The next person involved in this program is Justin Darlington. You may have heard of him under the pseudonym “Jus Fly”. He is one of, if not the best and insanely decorated dunkers in the world over the past few years. His vertical jump is an astonishing 53 inches (remember Michael Jordan's vertical jump was 45 inches) and he has used it for winning one of the biggest dunk contests including a Nike contest alongside Lebron, Anthony Davis and Diana Tarausi

vertical jump


Justin is so good that he actually trains professional NBA players how to jump higher. Coming from a person that does this for a living, you can bet that he has developed some of the best basketball jumping tactics and techniques. With their program most of that knowledge and those methods are now at our disposal.


Get Vert Shock Now For More Than 50% Off At $67 Not $138!!!

Let's See What The Vert Shock System Has To Offer You

Package Details

With this program you will get access to a ton of products but the most important ones are the Stage 1,2, and 3 guides. Apart from them, you will be getting:

  • The 4 Vertical Jump Killers eBook. This book will explain which are the four things people do wrong when trying to raise the bar for their vertical jump.
  • The 5 Dirty Secrets To Jumping Higher Guide. This is the part where you get to know Justin’s dirty little tricks to jumping higher. He lays them out in a well-spoken manner and shows you what it takes to be a world-class jumper.
  • Jumper’s Diet checklist. This isn’t exactly a diet but it shows you which foods will work the best with your new regimen.
  • An App for weekly check-ins. This is a newsletter of sorts which helps you get used to the exercises better by giving you further tips and tricks.
  • The NBA jump secrets revealed guide
  • The “Power Leak Fix” For overnight Hops
  • Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed
  • The Slingshot Secret To Instantly Jumping Higher
  • Vert Shock Maintenance Program
  • Dunknow workout
  • Vert Tracker Workbook

All these DVDs, apps, books, and other programs are included now in the package you will be getting, which we think is hands down the best deal in the whole internet right now. The amount of knowledge poured into making these videos and tutorials is insane and getting them for free is the best thing that can happen to your vertical jump and basketball capabilities.

How Does This Program Increase Your Vertical Jump?

Vert Shock works by getting you through different stages called Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. These programs use high-impact methods which target the nervous system more than the muscles. The main target are the nerves in your legs. The plyometrics it uses are meant to focus your type-2 muscle fibers which are also known as fast-twitch fibers. The main goal is simple – make your muscles as fast as possible in order to generate as much force as they can in as little time as possible. That will propel you into the air higher than type 1 fibers can.

Now, let’s take a look at the stages involved with the main part of Vert Shock:

The Three Stages

As we already mentioned, the length of this course is 8 weeks. Those eight weeks are broken down into three different phases or stages called:

  • Pre-Shock
  • Shock
  • Post-Shock

The Pre-Shock Stage

Stage One, or also known as the “Pre-Shock” stage happens during the first of these eight weeks. It is designed to prepare your body of what lies ahead. There are tons of plyometric exercises in this stage that will be repeated again and again in the next 7 weeks. Going through most reviews, we saw that during just this stage, people have gained at least a few inches of vertical jump. We didn’t see any significant result but one member of our team said he got 4 inches measured in his track book which was incredible already.

This first week might seem like the hardest to you but going through it properly ensures a successful run until the end of the program. It isn’t the most intensive but since these workouts will be new to your body, you would find them extremely difficult at first.

The Shock Stage

This stage is where the actual exercises begin and is the biggest part of this eight weeks course. It is super intense and very crucial to the effect you will get from Vert Shock. If you have gotten through the first stage, at this point you will be used to feeling tired and your legs hurting. The good thing is that your body will start adjusting during this stage and you will find yourself craving for more of these workouts pretty soon, trust us.

The main goal of this stage is for your fast twitch muscles to learn to explode through various plyometric and strengthening exercises. As soon as they start generating a lot of concentrated power, your legs will be able to propel you way easier into the air. By the end of this stage you should have around 10 inches of vertical (our guy had 13). Less than that will mean that you skipped classes, while more than that will mean that you are a natural at jumping and your muscle fibers are tuned to such kind of exercises genetically.

For the best shooting drills which will take your accuracy and concentration to the next level click here.

The Post-Shock Stage

This is the stage that lets your body rest and allows your muscles to recover. Everything here is geared towards activating the muscle memory you obtained during the past 2 months. Every hour of work you put into this now your body has to instantly recognize when repeated and react in the way you want it to. This stage is one week long and it’s main goal is to test your vertical and make sure it’s height is consistent in 100 out of 100 jumps.

You will start feeling lighter and even excited from the fact that your legs can take you to new heights now. There are only 4 workouts in this week with a sum of 2 hours in total. The elastic fibers in your thighs will feel as if you’ve lost 20 pounds of weight in those two months.

A Little More About The Routines…

better basketball jumping, vertical jumping

The few things that are really special about these 8 weeks of your life is that you won’t have to go to a gym or have to lift anything. This program does not require any additional gear or gym trips which makes it truly remarkable for people who cannot afford those things or simply want to work with their own body weight due to joint issues or something else.

As we pointed out, everything here is based on plyometrics meaning that every exercise is fast and repeated stretching of your muscles specially designed to increase their strength and reaction time. It also improves the connections (synapse) between your nerve cells and the muscle cells. That allows for faster signal traveling and stronger signal potency leading to a stronger contraction of the muscle cell.

In other words this program doesn’t add much strength to your body but rather decreases the strength handicap of your body allowing it to utilize its resources better. All in all, for all those people who don’t have gym access or don’t want to lift weights, this is the perfect program. Our team member did all the exercises in a gym environment but that isn’t necessary.

There is a separate “Complex training routines” program that consists of weight-lifting exercises which focus your quadriceps and posterior muscles (glutes, calves, hamstrings, etc.). It increases strength contrary to Vert Shock that just focuses it in the right direction.

With this routing every muscle fiber that you add up to your muscles will be pure explosiveness and they are also not for everyone in terms of intensity. They are combined with a bit of plyometrics but the sets of exercises here are definitely going to make some people give up.

If you have a gym membership, make sure you include those exercises but also try including more protein to your diet as well as something for your recovery since you will be adding a lot of stress during the Shock stage combined with these weight-lifting exercises.

So, after you are done with the course, there will be one very important question needing an answer:

Does Vert Shock Really Work?

Just like with any other program on the internet, vert Shock is surrounded with a lot of uncertainty. This is because you won’t be supervised while training and nobody knows whether you will follow the instructions laid out for you exactly as they are. Most people slack when it comes to exercises and then complain that there is no visible effect. For that reason, we cannot guarantee this will work for everyone.

For the people willing to put up the work, though, Vert Shock will greatly reward them by making their upright jump a lot higher. People who never touched the rim start touching it and even going beyond it. People who never dunked are starting to do dunks all the time. Our team member which we basically used as a guinea pig showed us he got a 11 inch result right after the program which went down to 9 in the long run which isn’t the great 15 inches Vert Shock promises but then again he obviously stopped keeping his muscles in shape after the program ended.

This is why this product includes tutorials on teaching you how to develop a training culture and habits that will not only keep you healthier but will maintain the achieved results for a longer period of time. It just is crucial to remember that you simply cannot slack off during this course. The more you do it, the worse results you will get and as with any high-intensity workout you can injure yourself if you do not stretch properly before and after. Having a bad diet while putting your body through this can also affect your progress negatively.

All these negatives are explained in the bonus DVD you are getting called “The 4 vertical jump killers”. This, as well as many other tutorials and tips come for free when you get the whole Vert Shock Package.

Want to train jumping higher in your driveway in front of your house? Check out the Spalding NBA basketball system we got for you that is portable and ideal for people who don’t have a basketball court in their region.

So, all that brings us to one of our final questions…

Is It All Worth It?

vertical jump, better basketball jumping

We will be straight with you here – it is. No other online program currently offers you this much information at this low of a price. You get countless of DVDs, tutorials, and priceless tips from two of the best players on earth for a price which rivals some other single-exercise programs. Not only that but with your hard work for just 8 weeks you can gain 9-15 inches or more on your vertical jump

Here, you will be getting training advice, training courses, eating advice and tips, as well as insight for some of the tricks the professional dunkers use.

Think of it as having a personal coach that will change your basketball game completely in just two months. Where you couldn’t dunk before, you will be able now. Where you couldn’t block, you will block now. Even your shots will become more accurate as your body will become more fine tuned to jumping and coordinating your nervous and muscle systems.

After your jumping ability increases along with your explosive power you will gain a new confidence in your game and may give you the confidence to test your game at a higher level.

The major problem which people have with this program, as we already said a few times, is that it is very intense. People think that their investment isn’t worth it since they aren’t sure in themselves or in their bodies. Once again, the awesome part about it all is that whether you like it or not, whether there is an observable effect or not, you will absolutely be able to get your money back if something doesn’t go by your taste. So once again, to a question whether this whole thing is worth it – yes, yes it is. Click below to get the best deal on Vert Shock you can:

Check Out Vert Shock Now!

Now, let’s go through some of the things we loved about the program, as well as some of the things we didn’t like as much…

Pros And Cons Of Vert Shock

What we take as huge advantages are:

  • You don’t have to have any type of special fitness gear. All you need is a hefty dose of motivation and a strong will to push it until the end.
  • Everything here is based on plyometrics that are proven to work in a bunch of other cases and sports
  • The member’s lounge at the Vert Shock site has videos for each exercise showing you exactly what you need to be doing
  • It is safe to do for growing people. It won’t stop any sort of progress in terms of jumping or basketball skills so if you are under 18 this program is just as perfect for you as it is for a grown professional
  • Even if you aren’t athletic you will be able to go through this program with a little bit of dedication
  • There is a nice forum where you can share stats and experience or even ask other people who have gone through the program. There is also a face-to-face system of mentoring. Adam actually answers questions himself and will help you if you are need
  • The instructions are easy to follow through even if you are alone and have no prior experience with such online courses
  • You can access your Vert Shock product from any device you want. That way you will be able to go out on the court with just your smartphone and keep progressing there
  • You will be getting weekly check ins to make sure you are pushing forward and staying in track!
  • Lastly, all you get here is a digital copy meaning you will get your product seconds after you are done purchasing it with no arrival times and no waiting periods.
  • Right now there is a huge discount where you are getting every possible Vert Shock DVD and other programs for free!

What we didn’t really like and considered disadvantages of this program are:

  • If you already jump high this program won’t help you at all. For example we spoke to a pro who had a 44 inch vertical and he said that such exercises wont’ do anything for him. Instead, he had to emphasize on advanced plyometrics and other similar routines
  • You will need an internet connection to access the program
  • If your browser is slow or not updated some of the site’s videos won’t load
  • Your legs will feel super tired especially after the first few weeks. It is important to push through that pain and fatigue
  • There are a lot of ads for other products on the site
  • Vert Shock doesn’t provide a lot of scientific explanation behind its claims so you will have to do the digging on your own

Okay, so this program will improve your vertical jump but what about your ball handling skills? Check out this full article on the topic to learn what it takes to have great control of the ball and become a better basketball player.

Conclusion And Rating

Jumpchamp.Com Rating (4.5/5)

Vert Shock is a great online program that claims to improve your vertical jump with anywhere from 10 to 15 inches. It is dealing with high-intensity plyometric exercises which rewire your nervous and muscle systems in your legs making them more reactive and more explosive. Whether it works or not depends on how much work you will put into it. We made a team member of ours who plays basketball regularly go through the whole course and he first gained 11 inches and then dropped to 9 as a permanent effect. This, combined with many more positive testimonials is a reason enough for us to trust it but then again this is an online course and nobody can supervise you during it, meaning people can slack and skip vital parts. At the end those who didn’t endure or didn’t have the necessary motivation will have worse results but that will be a progress as well.

The program comes with tons of extra DVD, tutorials, and items you will be getting that are all free of charge currently on the Vert Shock website. Jus Fly has awesome videos on there in which he teaches you some of the dirty tricks to better jumps. Seriously, there is no better thing than getting advice from one of the world’s best dunkers right now.

Overall, the program is hard to go through and requires a decent amount of motivation, energy and will. For those who endure there will be a great reward. For those who don’t or simply don’t see a point in continuing with it, there is a 60 days money back guarantee. As a whole, we rate this program four and a half out of five stars since it isn’t meant for all basketball players but only the ones that are physically capable of going through it all.

Ben Simmons 1 Of The Most Dynamic Top 20 NBA Players?

How Good Is Ben Simmons?

Ben Simmons of the Philadelphia 76ers is an extraordinarily gifted basketball player but is he one of the top 20 NBA players? I don't think so. He has amazing physical gifts in that is 6 feet 1o inches tall and about 250 lbs. He has incredible downhill speed with good quickness and he is extremely strong and powerful. He also is a good jumper with a vertical jump of about. Simmons is an extremely gifted passer and with his 6′ 10″ he can see over the top of most every defender in the NBA. And with all of that he also has great court vision. So with all of that going for him how do you mot consider him a top 20 NBA performer?

top 20 NBA players

Where Does Ben Rank Among The NBA's Greats?

Ben Simmons is not in my top 20 because of a few things. First and foremost because of his much written and talked about lack of shooting. I don't mean as many people talk about (including apparently in a 1/25/2021 Pistons Post Game press conference with his new Coach Doc Rivers) his lack of taking 3point shots. It for me it's his lack of shooting any type of jump shot. He could help himself and his teammates extensively if he would attempt any type of mid-range shot also like even 10 to 18 foot jump shots. Of course if he could shoot even a tiny amount of 3 pointers it would be even more beneficial!!! Just the threat of Big Ben (sorry Mr. Rothlesburger but he is big) taking a shot would help open things up on the floor for himself and his teammates. Of course the one who might benefit the most is his MVP caliber and top NBA teammate Joel Embiid.

Why Won't Ben Shoot The Damn Ball

(For one thing on the mechanics side of things his shooting hand is turned in and cocked sideways instead of square to the basket)

The first time that I had heard of Ben Simmons was early in his Freshman and only season at LSU. My buddy Ralph D asked me if I had seen this incredible new phenom playing for LSU Ben Simmons. I had not but I was on my home and they were playing on ESPN in a few minutes so I as soon as I got home I turned on his game with incredible anticipation. I was extremely impressed by his size, length and seeming court awareness. I started watching in the second half and Ben was playing well for all intents and purposes but something became strikingly apparent to me in that Ben had not taken a shot yet but maybe he was just being unselfish at that point in the game and was just getting his teammates involved at the time. I kept watching and Ben still had not taken a shot…..hmmm. LSU was in a tight battle and it seemed they needed him to take over and to top it off the announcer stated that Simmons had only taken 2 shots…..whatttttt???? It got to about the 4 minutes left point and no shot…. One time Ben drove to about 2 inches from the rim and could have slammed down a thunderous rim wrecking dunk but to my astonishment while he was right at the rim he fires a pass to a teammate in the right corner for a covered 3 pointer and the player missed the shot. The game went ended and Ben did take a couple of more shots but the most dominant player in college basketball had taken 6 shots In 40 minutes!!! To almost top it off he had made only 1??? 1 for 6? He did show his versatility and grabbed 14 rebounds and had 10 assists and 3 steals.

I don't know exactly why Ben doesn't ever shoot more than layups. The only person that knows that of course Ben Simmons. For me I believe that he had been great his whole life without shooting from outside and that it would continue in the NBA. NBA teams as we all know quickly adjust to your strengths and weaknesses.

Simmons has had time (4 years) to readjust. It has been reported and shown on video clips that he is working on his jump shot. Again it does not need to be three-pointers. Some people people have gotten information that Ben is not truly working that hard on his shot as he needs to to truly make a difference in an NBA game. Who knows…… I do know that his legendary predecessors like the GOAT Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and LeBron have all come into the league with less than great jump shots. Now all of them had better shots and were more willing shooters when needed than Simmons but all 3 needed drastic improvement on their shots AND THEY ALL DID IT and improved greatly. They all had an insatiable burning desire not just to be great but all Desired to go down as the greatest of al-time. To do this they needed to work on many things including shooting. They wanted this not just to perform the best but to help their team pile up Championships and they knew to do this they needed to shoot better and when needed to be more willing outside shooters.


To be Continued tomorrow…..

What If A Girl Could Dunk?: You Will Absolutely Be The 1

The Great Female Basketball Game

Women's basketball is great to watch as they play the game “the right way”. Most female basketball players seem to have the basic fundamentals of the game down to a tee and is a thing of art to witness especially at High levels of play. But what if a girl could dunk? Well the fact of the matter is that it would give that player a decided advantage over her competitors. The other fact is that some women can dunk the basketball and some women have actually dunked in real games!!!

What if a girl could dunk

I Can Show Female Players How To Dunk

There are many exercises that can help you to be able to dunk such as….

1. Lateral Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, pivot and jump

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

4. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

5. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

While they are nice exercises they are not proven to do the trick and add very much to your vertical jump. I have a proven system to increase your vertical jump.

Vert Shock Works And Answers: What If A Girl Could Dunk!

What on earth is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a relatively new training system designed first and foremost to increase your vertical jump. It was developed by Adam Folker a former Collegiate basketball player at UC Irvine and then he played professionally overseas in The Czech Republic

Vert Shock FreeShown here in memory of The Black Mamba Kobe Bryant


Vert Shock Free
Jus Fly with LeBron James, Diana Taurasi and Anthony Davis

He had help in his creation with one of the world’s greatest and most decorated dunkers Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington shown above after another dunk championship with the GOAT of Women's basketball Diana Taurasi and LeBron and Anthony Davis.

The program is based on the principles of high-intensity plyometrics exercises done in a way that targets your fast-twitch or Type-2 muscles

The goal is to stimulate these muscles to fire extremely fast and get them to be more involved in jumping so you can jump higher, quicker, with more explosive power.

First dunk in the history of the WNBA by the great Lisa Leslie, in 2002.

How Does Vert Shock Work?

The focus of the Vert Shock program is to use those plyometric workouts at a 100% explosive effort to build your fast twitch muscles fibers and optimize your central nervous system for jumping.

What is nice about the workouts in Vert Shock is that they can be done within the comfort of your home or at a park, there is absolutely no need to have to go gym which for many reasons can be key in these days. What is important is that you do the workouts faithfully and totally commit to the 8 week long program. You can gain an incredible 9-15 inches in your vertical leap if you grind it out for just 8 weeks!


Vert Shock Works in Phases: The 3 Phases Of Vert Shock

Phase 1: Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock really gets you moving forward as you’ll be doing many of the exercises that you’ll get familiar with over the 8-week period. The goal of Pre-Shock is to begin building your fast-twitch muscle fibers while minimizing the risk of injury while your body adapts to the volume of jumping and explosive movements.

Another goal of the Pre-Shock phase is to build your core, which if yours has been neglected will be an important factor in creating a higher vertical jump. You will be working out six of seven days during the Pre-Shock phase of Vert Shock.

After this week you may find that you have added a couple inches to your vertical, which is pretty damn cool for just one week of work.

Phase 2: Shock Phase

This phase is the bulk of and toughest phase of the Vert Shock program. The Shock Phase consists of 6 weeks of workouts that follow a regimented format. For the most part you will have 4 to 5 days of working out and 2 or so days of recovery and rest time. To see optimum results you should follow the program to the tea. Follow the program and do not workout on your recovery rest and recovery days. Sore and fatigued muscles require rest so that they can rebuild and become stronger.

We have found that the main focus of the plyometric exercises is to do each one with maximum explosiveness. Go all out every time. This is why the Vert Shock program gives you ample rest between sets. They want you to be fully recovered so you can give the next set everything you have.

In the 4th and 8th week you will do vertical tests to see your increases. We recommend not testing it more than this or you can become discouraged if you don’t see the results that you are hoping for immediately. The results will come if you follow the proven program and work as hard you can when you are to workout.

Phase 3: Post-Shock

The final phase of the Vert Shock program is the Post-Shock phase. This phase is extremely intense also as you will be working out 6 of 7 days during this 1 week long phase.

By this point you should be much stronger and explosive in your core and lower body after having completed 7 weeks of Vert Shock training

Post-Shock will tax you so that when you have recovered you will see the maximum amount of increase in your vertical leap.

Vert Shock Conclusions

Vert Shock is an extremely intense 8 week jumping program that can absolutely increase your vertical jump by 9-15 inches. Most regimented jumping programs like BoingVert take longer than this and are quite as successful or concise in it's programming.

So What If A Girl Could Dunk?

It will of course separate you from most of the competition just by the optics. But even if you don't dunk in the game you will be playing at an elevated level and closer to the rim which obviously gives you a distinct advantage. Also the explosive strength and power and speed that you gain from this intense system will give you a big advantage also.

You be the one!!! Take your game to the next level and while you're at it dunk on somebody, maybe even a guy! Click below and get Vert Shock at 50% and be like Diana!

Vert Shock for $67 more than 50% off of the normal $138


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